Monday, March 7, 2016

Cover Reveal for SIX by Ker Dukey


I grew up in the foster system and bounced around from place to place… I know what you’re thinking. 

Bad things happened to me and fucked me up?

Don’t feel bad for me. I didn’t know a privileged life therefore I didn’t miss one. 
I was what I was and I made it work. I actually had a few good homes in my lifetime, met some good people but that’s not what my stories about. 

It’s not a Romeo and Juliet saga either, even if our stories do revolve around similar bases. 
I knew a real love, a rare love… a love between two people that were never supposed to fall in love. 
Rival gang members are never allowed to fall in love and it cost us everything. 
The things I learned growing up the way I did is this: 

Love is deadly and often not real. 

People come and go and only the rare few stick around when shit gets tough.

I learned the hard way what lurks behind false smiles and that deceitful truths get whispered in sexual moans. 

I was taught that dark souls are not born but they are created and you can avoid them, hide from them or learn and become them. 

Revenge sculpt and molded me into the darkest of souls and with my wrath comes agony and torment more severe then hell itself. 

I took out six of the men who hurt my woman and I will be coming for the rest.

Get in my way and I’ll come for you too.


I grew up in the foster system and bounced around from place to place… I know what you’re thinking.

Bad things happened to me and fucked me up?

Don’t feel bad for me. I didn’t know a privileged life therefore I didn’t miss one.

I was what I was and I made it work. I actually had a few good homes in my lifetime, met some good people but that’s not what my stories about.

It’s not a Romeo and Juliet saga either, even if our stories do revolve around similar bases.

I knew a real love, a rare love… a love between two people that were never supposed to fall in love.

Rival gang members are never allowed to fall in love and it cost us everything.

The things I learned growing up the way I did is this:

Love is deadly and often not real.

People come and go and only the rare few stick around when shit gets tough.

I learned the hard way what lurks behind false smiles and that deceitful truths get whispered in sexual moans.

I was taught that dark souls are not born but they are created and you can avoid them, hide from them or learn and become them.

Revenge sculpt and molded me into the darkest of souls and with my wrath comes agony and torment more severe then hell itself.

I took out six of the men who hurt my woman and I will be coming for the rest.

Get in my way and I’ll come for you too.


I awake with a jolt, my hand reaching effortlessly for the blade kept under my pillow. With the other hand I grab the intruder around the neck and bring them down on to the bed. In a quick flurry of movements I’m straddling the invader with the blade to their throat. The room comes into focus and I become fully aware that I'm not stuck in the dream world any longer but reality, when I recognize the wild, scared eyes of Misty Cooper, my new bar manager staring up at me. Her soft, small frame pinned beneath my own.

Just above the sound of her heavy, restricted breathing is that persistent beeping that was in my dream.

“I didn’t know you were here.” She whispers barely audible.

I remove the knife from her throat and stand abruptly from the bed.

Sitting up her eyes widen and then dart to her lap. I hate the paleness of her cheeks and the glisten in her eyes, knowing I caused her fear.

“I’m sorry,” I quickly push past my lips. “I was working late last night, on a clients tattoo so I crashed here.”

“You don’t need to explain.” She tells me shaking her head. She won’t look at me and it makes me fucking angry with myself.

“Misty, look at me?”

...“Ermm, you’re naked.”

Her cheeks flush a beautiful crimson as her eyes dart up to my junk and then quickly back down to her lap, her teeth popping out to worry her bottom lip.

She’s twenty-five years old surely this isn’t the first naked man she’s been around?

“It’s just a dick Misty, I’m sure you’ve seen one before.” I grab the pair of jeans from the chair I slung them over the night before and slip them up my legs.

“Not that big” I hear her mumble under her breath. Folding my arms over my chest. I quirk a brow at her. “What was that?”

Her eyes pop wide and she quickly shakes her head “Nothing, nothing"

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My books all tend to be darker romance, edge of you seat, angst filled reads. My advice to my readers when starting one of my titles...prepare for the unexpected.

I have always had a passion for storytelling, whether it be through lyrics or bed time stories with my sisters growing up. We also used to put on performances by acting out stories. I wanted to become an actress from an early age so I could live out many roles but unfortunately I learned early on that my mind was too active...(I would end up wanting to change the script)
I would watch films or TV shows and think of ways they could have improved the story if they took another direction so I thought it best that I tell my own.

My mum would always have a book in her hand when I was young and passed on her love for reading, inspiring me to venture into writing my own. I tend to have a darker edge to my writing. Not all love stories are made from light; some are created in darkness but are just as powerful and worth telling.

When I'm not lost in the world of characters I love spending time with my family. I'm a mum and that comes first in my life but when I do get down time I love attending music concerts or reading events with my younger sister.




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