Monday, January 6, 2020

Series Review for The Elite Kings by Amo Jones

The Silver Swan: Book One

Riddle me this...

I am neither dead, nor alive, and I’m not something little Madison can hide.
But you will be dead, by the time this is done...
the timer starts now, and the games have just begun…”

Madison Montgomery comes from money and power, but when someone close to her commits the ultimate crime, Madison must live with her tainted name for the rest of her life. When she begins Riverside Preparatory Academy, the private school her father has swept her into in The Hamptons, she hopes for a fresh start. What she wasn't hoping for was the pack of bad boys who run the school; ten, to be exact. When Madison gains the attention of their leader, Bishop Vincent Hayes, a whole new world that she didn't think existed is exposed to her. A whole world that starts and ends with The Elite Kings Club and these boys, are about to flip her world upside down. Secrets are overflowing and family lies are about to be exposed. Is there more to Madison Montgomery than even she knows?

The Broken Puppet: Book Two

"I thought I knew who I was, but I was wrong.”

The Silver Swan
- 1. A girl who is tarnished. Tainted. One who does not fit into the confinement of legend.
The Silver Swan
-2. Madison Montgomery.

I was lied to.
I was cheated.
Resigned to pick up the scraps of empty memories and disarrayed thoughts, I left. After finally cutting the strings of manipulation, I resorted to do what I’ve done since I was a child, something my father drilled into my brain since I could handle my first rifle.
I’m a mere shadow of the girl they all knew.
Lies and deceit change you. They alter your entire outlook on life.
I’m Madison Montgomery, and I want to play a game.
Here’s what happens when I win.

Riddle me this, Mads.
What goes bump in the night,
but is something you can’t see with sight?
You may run, and you may hide.
If by happily ever after, you mean Bonnie & Clyde.

Tacet a Mortuis: Book Three

Hail to the king, and watch him reign, this game was somewhat fun, until the finale came…

Now we’re here, with carnage and despair, and the only questions left to answer, are the ones that do not appear...

A king loses a war, and a swan sheds her wings, chaos collides with peace, as the crows begin to sing…

Enter if you dare, because I swear the end is near, but nothing is as it seems, and everything is so bare.

So what the f*ck is going on at Riverside,
I think, I think... everyone is about to die....

SERIES REVIEW: 3 Twisted Stars
"Trust no one. Fear no one. Fuck everyone."

EASY: Immediately upon opening this book, I was able to move to the cadence of her words. There was a groove that I fell into while reading. This is my favorite thing to happen when I get to read a new-to-me author. The flow was easy, and that's so hard to find sometimes.

HARD: There was some obvious missteps and sequencing issues/incorrect word usage that came into play with this one, but not too terribly much to halt my overall enjoyment. She was very straight to the point in her writing style; not very flamboyant. She is, however, very generous with her imagination.

EASY: The craziness was insane, but I love that I held on and was able to follow the crazy actions of these kids running the town through a life of debauchery and ridiculousness, which lead to some shock and awe, as well as a nutzo storyline to follow.

HARD: The craziness was a little over the top. So much so that some eye-rolling accompanied the crazy. Maybe enough that I had to suspend reality a bit much.....a bit.

The silver lining (see what I did there?): I couldn't put any of the books in this series down. I went through all three books in ONE week - which is rather fast for me, in general. I definitely enjoyed this series, and the reason I read it was because I had signed up for Malum. Malum was being touted as a standalone, which I can assure you it most definitely is NOT. The buildup to any of the characters and their actions plays a vital role in understanding their dynamic as a whole. She got me good with this series. Not sure how yet, but she did and she did it on the sly.

"I'm chasing the storm, regardless of the danger."

These first three books were cliffies to each other, with a sort of hanging ending after the third book which is supposed to be buttoned up with Sancte Diaboli and Ruined Castles. Sancte Diaboli is Brantley's book - whom we meet in these first three, so I definitely want to check out his story! Next with Ruined Castles, that will button up Madison and Bishop's story as told from their POV - but there is no release date or timeframe given, so we as readers are left hanging at this point.

HINDSIGHT: I loved this boxed set and feel it is perfect for the non-cliffy lover like me, but I am bummed not having a release date for the other two since I've subsequently read and reviewed Malum I /Malum II and need the other's stories ASAP. My personal recommendation about moving into Malum's duet without reading these first three: NO. Don't do it. I can easily recommend this set. I truthfully enjoyed it. But, the first three books build up to the 4th/5th book, so while there really isn't a cliffhanger to Bishop and Madison's love story in this boxed set, the overall theme carries on into this next duet of Nate's story and that's where Bishop and Madison's story becomes a cliffhanger.

I want to call this series "addicting"  -  that's a pretty fitting word. To be honest, it's probably the easiest way to describe the craziness that all these kids engaged in. I did recommend this to many readers because I was high on the adrenaline that was coursing through me while I read it. I will admit in hindsight that this is probably not for everyone because of everything going on, but I will still easily recommend it. I normally don't like a crazy amount of drama, so it surprised me that I really enjoyed this one. There was copious amounts of gratuitous sex with partner swapping to some degree (different levels of acceptability for some), as well as the drugs and drinking. While we all know teens do it, I felt it was unnecessary to the degree that it was all written about. But, this was considered a dark bully, maybe that's just a personal opinion/preference.

Crazy. Addicting. Bizarre. Insane. Any way you look at it, this series had a pull to it that I haven't encountered in a long time. I could feel the crazy, embrace the drama, and side-eye some actions - all with a smile.

"I now understand the saying blood means nothing, loyalty means everything."


Amo Jones is a small country girl totally winging this author thing (she's probably doing it all wrong). She likes cake, loves wine, and her religion is magic. She's a profound work-a-holic, but when she's not writing, you can find her chilling with her kids & partner at the nearest beach, with a cocktail in her hand. 

New Zealand is not a state of Australia and rugby is the best sport ever played. 




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