My name is Dove Hendry.
Mine is Kingston Axton.
I was captured by darkness.
She has always been ours…
They groomed me for Midnight Mayhem. Like a trained possession, weak against their control.
She has been conditioned with our blood for years. She just doesn’t know it yet...
But Midnight Mayhem was the stained glass that concealed a very dark culture.
A culture that she is about to become the center of.
The Brothers of Kiznitch come in fours, and they’re not happy about me being hustled into their acts.
Or are we? Careful, Little Bird. A warning is a warning for a reason…
But there’s something uglier that has been haunting me for years upon years. So ugly that I have never seen its face. I never had to. I’d hear his whispers through my internal screams, feel his shadow brush against my nightmares. He was my the monster that tormented me.
And maybe lived under your bed…
When I started Midnight Mayhem, his presence faded.
His whispers were silenced.
His shadow dissolving without a trace.
I wondered why that was.
She didn’t have to wonder for long…
But there’s something uglier that has been haunting me for years upon years. So ugly that I have never seen its face. I never had to. I’d hear his whispers through my internal screams, feel his shadow brush against my nightmares. He was my the monster that tormented me.
And maybe lived under your bed…
When I started Midnight Mayhem, his presence faded.
His whispers were silenced.
His shadow dissolving without a trace.
I wondered why that was.
She didn’t have to wonder for long…
In Peace Lies Havoc is the first book in the Midnight Mayhem series, which apparently somewhat comes after Manik, but Manik isn't necessary to read, or so we've been told. I didn't get far enough into it to make the connection, or feel lost about a character, but I know there is some mentions of the Mayhem world in Manik and some character mentions, but nothing to take away from the enjoyment. I did recently purchase Manik, so I will check that out and see if it maybe gives me back more of a desire to come back and carry on with this one.
I honestly hate the fact that Amo's words have this sort of power over me - they seriously grab me and make me want to read all her books. In the whole scheme of things, that's the best kind of response to get from a synopsis and obviously I'm poking fun at my own weakness, but her storytelling has been the same in each book I've read. I was hoping for something different and unique with each new storyline. I got that the first time I read unfortunately, this came across as the same. Wash, rinse, repeat. Because, what would normally constitute a DNF from me, what would normally exact eye-rolls from me, has me clinging to the book and making me wonder what in the ever loving hell is going on. I like her brand of crazy, and I've maintained that in the five books I've read of hers - just sadly, I don't like a new story reading the same as another story.
Her books, her words, call to the inner depravity we all possess within our own minds. Morbid curiosity, the adrenaline rush of's all there and she does it well. I like that side of her. I enjoy that side of her writing. Unfortunately, the similarities to TEK are actually disheartening and maddening. It is NOT truly well-written, again - same crazy word usage I mentioned in my Malum and TEK reviews. Same ridiculous, over the top, extra actions in there. Elaborate, change things up, give me more than the standard WTF that she so easily delivers.
This series and book sounded promising. I can't lie. I won't lie. She writes a synopsis that sucks me right in each and every time. Her covers are absolutely amazing. Hands down, some of the best. I love the darkness she harnesses with her covers. The teasers she posts give an amazing visual to her words, but I'm afraid that's where the love ends for me. I spend more time deciphering plots and actions, more energy focusing on the why instead of what is actually going on, and more mind power questioning the reality of half the stuff I'm reading. I'm trying to sink into a book, not drown in it. I don't want to spend that much energy and will power trying to read a book. It gets tiring.
It's almost as if she gets stuck on certain processing points. The same kind of characters. The same kinds of drama. The same....names? There are twenty six - 26 - two six- letters in the alphabet, and she chooses names that all start with K and D. I can see whyyyyy the Brothers of Kiznitch all have the K name. I get it....I guess. But Delilah and Delia? Why would you do that? Branch out a tad. Don't add to the reader confusion with names that are so similar and start out the same.
Her books, her words, call to the inner depravity we all possess within our own minds. Morbid curiosity, the adrenaline rush of's all there and she does it well. I like that side of her. I enjoy that side of her writing. Unfortunately, the similarities to TEK are actually disheartening and maddening. It is NOT truly well-written, again - same crazy word usage I mentioned in my Malum and TEK reviews. Same ridiculous, over the top, extra actions in there. Elaborate, change things up, give me more than the standard WTF that she so easily delivers.
This series and book sounded promising. I can't lie. I won't lie. She writes a synopsis that sucks me right in each and every time. Her covers are absolutely amazing. Hands down, some of the best. I love the darkness she harnesses with her covers. The teasers she posts give an amazing visual to her words, but I'm afraid that's where the love ends for me. I spend more time deciphering plots and actions, more energy focusing on the why instead of what is actually going on, and more mind power questioning the reality of half the stuff I'm reading. I'm trying to sink into a book, not drown in it. I don't want to spend that much energy and will power trying to read a book. It gets tiring.
It's almost as if she gets stuck on certain processing points. The same kind of characters. The same kinds of drama. The same....names? There are twenty six - 26 - two six- letters in the alphabet, and she chooses names that all start with K and D. I can see whyyyyy the Brothers of Kiznitch all have the K name. I get it....I guess. But Delilah and Delia? Why would you do that? Branch out a tad. Don't add to the reader confusion with names that are so similar and start out the same.
There's a reason her voice and stories speak to so many - I can't and won't deny that. She can tell some stories. The main reason I struggle is because of the unnecessary drama, the over the top antics that have no real reason being made into a bigger deal, and the writing itself. Made-up words, inner monologue that is more telling than showing, etc. But, for some reason, I can't look away. It calls to me, but I have to learn to not answer because it's frustrating. But this time, I couldn't look past it and I had to walk away. It got too frustrating this time, and I just didn't have the mentality to deal with the crazy.
I just feel like with her writing, logic doesn't communicate with sanity and it interferes with reality....and that makes it a hard book/story to stomach. It is also a rehash of her Elite Kings. The descriptions and the narrative she uses to describe not only her characters, but their mannerisms and their actions - it's all on repeat and it doesn't read any differently to me than that one did and I only have room in my head for one crazy storyline from an author when there is no variation in her storytelling. If you haven't read TEK, you won't see the similarities and this could be a great book to taste-test her unconventional and intense writing style.
My notes I made while I was reading:
- bold writer but doesn’t articulate well. So while I find myself continually reading her books, it’s hard to not try to read them since she’s a great storyteller.
- Grandiose storytelling, elaborate storyteller
- She’s had 26 letters in the alphabet and everyone seems to have a k name or a d name.
- Gratuitous rape scene. Roiiight. He can tear off her shirt while he has fingers in her and she’s laying down.
- I guess if I’m going to be kidnapped, I’d like it to be all handsome men with masks. (TEK again?)
- But when I have to work too hard to understand a story, it loses its charm.
- She can spoon feed me a story, but she’s rough around the edges with her word usage and everything is over the top and elaborate.
- If you haven’t read TEK, this regurgitated character driven story might interest you. Unfortunately, I’ve already read the seemingly strong girl that gets caught up in a group of guys with other worldly, secret intentions that make no sense. Enjoy!!
- Hodgepodge of circumstances.
Releasing March 10, 2020
Amo Jones is a small country girl totally winging this author thing (she's probably doing it all wrong). She likes cake, loves wine, and her religion is magic. She's a profound work-a-holic, but when she's not writing, you can find her chilling with her kids & partner at the nearest beach, with a cocktail in her hand.
New Zealand is not a state of Australia and rugby is the best sport ever played.
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