He was trouble from the start, but I couldn't resist.
She was the best kind of trouble. The kind that was so wrong, it felt right.
I’ve tried and failed to stay away from him.
I’ve done everything in my power to make her mine and keep her.
He’s almost impossible to say no to.
She never tells me yes.
We’re always fighting.
When we’re not fighting, we’re… well… making up.
He makes me laugh so hard.
I miss her laugh the most.
I'm a liar.
She knows the truth, but won’t admit it.
Sometimes, I wish I'd never met him.
I wish we could meet all over again. I'd do better.
His girlfriend knows.
The guy she’s with is a fool.
I’ll never love anyone like I love him.
She doesn’t love me enough to choose us.
It was the wrong place.
It was the wrong time.
It should have been him.
It will always be her.
"I've already warned you. You won't be able to get enough. Now, here's your chance to stop this, while you still have the willpower." He was both menacing and tempting.
Sometimes a book is recommended to me and I say, "Wow! That looks really good. I want to read that." So, that was me....and this was the book. I saw it when it was releasing and was really intrigued by the synopsis. I knew it was a series, and I knew to wait until the rest of the books were out before I started it.
I *knew* this.
Words: Marked.
Well, a dear friend gifted it to me, begging me to read it. She was exclaiming how great it was and how much she loved it. It was on her "Best Books of 2014" list. Ok....I guess I should read it, right? Yeah....I'm now sitting in the corner, rocking myself and holding my knees up to my chest, begging for more. I want more.
Yes, I said torture.
I've said time and time again, angst is what I need/crave/have-to-have in a book to make me fall in love with it. I just need that heart-stopping, heart-racing, push and pull that makes you bite your fingernails while you hold your kindle and feverishly read and devour the words on the pages.
This book was UH-mazing. Phenomenal. WOW.
And now I can be considered a stalker. I literally stalk M Mabie's page while I anxiously await Sail being released. I am obsessed....I'm sure, clinically.
Why does something that is so wrong.....feel so right? Sometimes, what we know as wrong, is actually right. I believe in true love...I believe in deep, soul-crushing, mind blowing love. I believe in doing right....but I also understand guilty feelings and curiosity. Sometimes our heart speaks louder than our mind....and sometimes we have to listen to it. Rationale be damned.
The way in which this story was told was the *perfect* way to tell it....the POV change was perfect and seamless and it really worked The amount of angst in the book was off the charts good. The heroine was strong, but weak against her own desires. Blake knew right from wrong, but her draw to Casey was undeniable and she was powerless against it. While I read this book, I felt the want and the need....the desire for more.
What was so different about this book was the fact that when things didn't go their way, they didn't throw some fit....nope, they FOUGHT for their love, after some deep thinking and harsh realities. Their pull towards each other was two sided. They both needed each other and wanted each other. I really enjoyed this push and pull they had and this is what I crave in a really good book. I felt their pain, their reasoning, their love....I felt it all and this book was one that will go down as a favorite for me in 2015.
Blake knew what she was doing. Casey knew what he was doing. This is a story about the depths of desire and truth your heart will put you through for your one true love. The one you're meant to be with. Love will drag you through the depths of hell to get you where you need to go....it isn't always hearts and flowers.
To say that I am anxiously awaiting Sail, that would be a gross understatement. That book is high up on my list of 'push everything aside to read'. I need more Casey and Blake. Their relationship was one of a kind....and I need more of it.
"There was no rational reason for any of this. Even I knew that. But I wanted her. That was fact."
This isn’t just a two-year long one-night stand. It’s my life.
This is my life. Our life. It isn’t just some careless affair.
I’ve made the worst decisions a woman could, but I’ll earn my second chance.
She can try keeping all the guilt for herself, but I’m just as much to blame.
Loving Casey wasn’t my biggest mistake. Fighting it for so long was.
I’ll show her how fearless our love makes me. I’ll protect her torn heart.
He still has magic in his eyes. He’s the man who makes me happy.
Her voice still brings me to my knees. She says my name like it’s sacred.
I live for the day when I’m his. To take care of him. To love him the way he deserves.
I can’t wait to be all she needs. I can give her a happy life, security and so much love.
Sometimes two ships never meet in the night, but ours did.
Sometimes the water is rough. It beats you all to hell, until you have no choice but get stronger.
Our love story reads more like a tragedy, but to me it’s clean and pure.
Let them point their fingers. Without a love like ours, they haven’t really lived. I pity them.
I’m a cheating wife and a villain. I am his honeybee.
I’m a snake in the grass and I sleep best when I’m lying next to his wife.
I want to be his everything.
I’m nothing without her anyway.
This isn’t even close to over.
It’ll never be over.
REVIEW: 4.5 stars
This isn’t just a two-year long one-night stand. It’s my life.
This is my life. Our life. It isn’t just some careless affair.
I’ve made the worst decisions a woman could, but I’ll earn my second chance.
She can try keeping all the guilt for herself, but I’m just as much to blame.
Loving Casey wasn’t my biggest mistake. Fighting it for so long was.
I’ll show her how fearless our love makes me. I’ll protect her torn heart.
He still has magic in his eyes. He’s the man who makes me happy.
Her voice still brings me to my knees. She says my name like it’s sacred.
I live for the day when I’m his. To take care of him. To love him the way he deserves.
I can’t wait to be all she needs. I can give her a happy life, security and so much love.
Sometimes two ships never meet in the night, but ours did.
Sometimes the water is rough. It beats you all to hell, until you have no choice but get stronger.
Our love story reads more like a tragedy, but to me it’s clean and pure.
Let them point their fingers. Without a love like ours, they haven’t really lived. I pity them.
I’m a cheating wife and a villain. I am his honeybee.
I’m a snake in the grass and I sleep best when I’m lying next to his wife.
I want to be his everything.
I’m nothing without her anyway.
This isn’t even close to over.
It’ll never be over.
"I trusted his heart, my heart's other half, but I needed to be his. Needed him to be mine."
Fair warning....I highlighted SO much during this book...it was hard to get all my feelings in ONE spot just to sit down to write this review. To say that I was happy with this book....I can't say it enough. I loved it. I want more...I don't ever want to leave Casey and Blake's world. It is so full of love and emotion and depth and feeling. It is FULL. It is overflowing. It is complete. It is WOW in a book.
If I didn't love Casey by the end of book one, Bait, then I certainly was head over heels in love with him after this book!!! Holy hotness! If I ever wanted a follow up to an angsty, rocking-in-the-corner-after-finishing-a-book, this book would be it. Let me say this, the tempo in this one was so very different. It was the balm to the burn. This book was a slow, sensual rocking motion in the water, whereas Bait was the stormy rocking sea. The different tempo in this book was such a huge transition, it said so much about their relationship. Unquestionably and undeniably, this was an amazing story. Superbly written and executed.
I loved how Casey decided he was going to finally step up and be the man that Blake needed...not the normal one-night stand guy he had been for the two years prior. His character grew so much...it was so great to see him transform before our very eyes.
The push and pull and angst that we experienced in Bait was NOT in this book....however, the slow burning love with anticipation was very prevalent in this book. I loved it! Absolutely loved it. It was a slower, easier read and I didn't feel like I was on the edge of my seat with worry about what was going to happen. I will admit, I was waiting for the ball to drop....I was waiting for something to happen. But, like I said....this was the balm to soothe the evil, aching burn Ms. Mabie left us with after Bait. This book made EVERYTHING better....I absolutely fell deeper in love with Casey. Blake found her 'self' and actually came out of her shell....this book was full of revelations, growing and understanding. It was, simply put, beautiful.
The exploration we took with Casey and Blake was amazing....we got to learn more about what made him tick and what sparked feelings and emotions in him. We learned what made Blake purr and what pushed her to the limits that she needed to push to get to where she needed to be. They are SO hot with each other...they are the type that burns with anticipation and slow deep feeling. The fight in these two to become to each other what they had tried to deny for so long, but realized was impossible, was an amazing feeling to read. I loved their relationship and the direction it took.
Ms. Mabie has a way with her words....she uses them to evoke such emotion and power over your heart that you can't help but get lost in Casey and Blake's story. I laughed during this book, I swooned and I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it. I am more in love than ever with these two, and can't believe I have another book to look forward to!
The end of this book had me frantically messaging the author asking for an understanding....so to say that I can't wait for book #3, that is a gross misunderstanding. To put it bluntly, the next book shall be nothing short of amazing, knowing Ms. Mabie.
"The best things are worth waiting a little for, honeybee. Otherwise, fairy tales would start with happily ever after."
I believe in love at first sight.
Now I know soulmates exist.
Nothing has ever been easy for us.
Every fight, every struggle, has been worth it.
I’m stubborn, but what woman isn’t?
She’s hard work and I love the overtime.
He’s frustrating and unpredictable. I hope he never changes.
I love driving her crazy. That’s half the fun.
Lou’s sexy curls.
Honeybee’s pink nose.
He still looks at me like I’m precious and unflawed.
She treats me like I’m the center of her world.
Our future will be full of happiness.
Despite everything, we’re two of the lucky ones.
I took the bait.
She was a lucky catch.
He is the wind in my sail.
She’s the anchor that grounds me.
The wake our love made is beautiful.
Every day I thank God for her.
No matter the hurdles, we’ve jumped them side-by-side.
No matter the obstacles, we’ve made it through together.
For better or for worse, I’d do it again.
I’ll love and protect her all the days of my life.
We made it.
We always will.
Anchor is the third book in the bestselling Wake Series. In this widely anticipated series finale, you'll see Lou and Honeybee get all they've ever wanted and more.
M. Mabie usually doesn't speak in third-person. She promises.
I believe in love at first sight.
Now I know soulmates exist.
Nothing has ever been easy for us.
Every fight, every struggle, has been worth it.
I’m stubborn, but what woman isn’t?
She’s hard work and I love the overtime.
He’s frustrating and unpredictable. I hope he never changes.
I love driving her crazy. That’s half the fun.
Lou’s sexy curls.
Honeybee’s pink nose.
He still looks at me like I’m precious and unflawed.
She treats me like I’m the center of her world.
Our future will be full of happiness.
Despite everything, we’re two of the lucky ones.
I took the bait.
She was a lucky catch.
He is the wind in my sail.
She’s the anchor that grounds me.
The wake our love made is beautiful.
Every day I thank God for her.
No matter the hurdles, we’ve jumped them side-by-side.
No matter the obstacles, we’ve made it through together.
For better or for worse, I’d do it again.
I’ll love and protect her all the days of my life.
We made it.
We always will.
Anchor is the third book in the bestselling Wake Series. In this widely anticipated series finale, you'll see Lou and Honeybee get all they've ever wanted and more.
"Love doesn't give a fuck about a piece of paper. When are you going to realize that this isn't just love? There isn't even a word for this."
"Love doesn't give a fuck about a piece of paper. When are you going to realize that this isn't just love? There isn't even a word for this."
So, if you read my review of SAIL, you would know that I freaked out and messaged the author asking WHY?? WHAT?? How was there another book??? I got my HEA in SAIL, but was surely convinced that I was missing something. So, I eagerly anticipated this book....I was SO excited it was coming out and I couldn't WAIT to read it!!!
The book came. I started it. Truthfully? I was LOVING Casey and Blake. They are THE perfect couple....problems and all. I have them on my 2015 Favorites List for just that. I love them....beyond reason. This couple puts the smile on my face and the sigh in my heart. They really are perfect.
This book mainly focused on (no surprise) the planning and time leading up to their wedding and all the 'fun' that goes with it. There wasn't the angst we got in Bait, or the drama we got in Sail....but I will say my FAVORITE parts about this whole book were:
◆ The alternating and DIFFERENT points of view; not typical and I LOVED it
◆ The desire and sexiness of these two; never-ending
◆ The epilogue was phenomenal
I loved what Mabie did in the POV's in this book and I seriously got overly excited at the 'possibilities' as to what she will do next. I loved the story within the story. I am anxious for more of that.
The desire these two characters had for each other? I can definitively say, without a doubt, that these two had a magnetism that no other characters have ever had....that I have ever read. It really showed what honest, true, soul-crushing love will do to you/for you/with you.
This epilogue was IT. I loved it. It was literally the frosting on the cake. The be-all and end-all to this amazing story.
Something to note: I found this book somewhat slow in the beginning and I really needed to focus to read and stay engaged, but after I actually got into it more, I couldn't put it down. Even though Sail left off at a completed story for ME, this book was chock full of fluff and love with no expectations. The best part was seeing Casey's emotions take over him. Good and Bad. Also, a little but of some other characters....hmmm????
If I ever felt like a series was done and finished PERFECTLY, this series was it. M Mabie really found a place on my must-reads list and I will continue to read her after what she did with my heart with this series. I will truly miss Casey and Blake....they took me by surprise and wrapped me up in their love.
"My thoughts were stained with him, the same as my heart."
The book came. I started it. Truthfully? I was LOVING Casey and Blake. They are THE perfect couple....problems and all. I have them on my 2015 Favorites List for just that. I love them....beyond reason. This couple puts the smile on my face and the sigh in my heart. They really are perfect.
This book mainly focused on (no surprise) the planning and time leading up to their wedding and all the 'fun' that goes with it. There wasn't the angst we got in Bait, or the drama we got in Sail....but I will say my FAVORITE parts about this whole book were:
◆ The alternating and DIFFERENT points of view; not typical and I LOVED it
◆ The desire and sexiness of these two; never-ending
◆ The epilogue was phenomenal
I loved what Mabie did in the POV's in this book and I seriously got overly excited at the 'possibilities' as to what she will do next. I loved the story within the story. I am anxious for more of that.
The desire these two characters had for each other? I can definitively say, without a doubt, that these two had a magnetism that no other characters have ever had....that I have ever read. It really showed what honest, true, soul-crushing love will do to you/for you/with you.
This epilogue was IT. I loved it. It was literally the frosting on the cake. The be-all and end-all to this amazing story.
Something to note: I found this book somewhat slow in the beginning and I really needed to focus to read and stay engaged, but after I actually got into it more, I couldn't put it down. Even though Sail left off at a completed story for ME, this book was chock full of fluff and love with no expectations. The best part was seeing Casey's emotions take over him. Good and Bad. Also, a little but of some other characters....hmmm????
If I ever felt like a series was done and finished PERFECTLY, this series was it. M Mabie really found a place on my must-reads list and I will continue to read her after what she did with my heart with this series. I will truly miss Casey and Blake....they took me by surprise and wrapped me up in their love.
"My thoughts were stained with him, the same as my heart."
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M. Mabie lives in Illinois with her husband. She writes unconventional love stories and tries to embody "real-life romance."
She cares about politics, but will not discuss them in public. She uses the same fork at every meal, watches Wayne's World while cleaning, and lets her dog sleep on her head. She has always been a writer. In fact, she was born with a pen in her hand, which almost never happens. Almost.
M. Mabie usually doesn't speak in third-person. She promises.
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