An ARC review
A happily married couple. A dance with a stranger at a bar.
One night--one seemingly insignificant choice--can change everything.
Jessica and Jake Snyder love each other, and their life together. Successful in their chosen careers, they reside in the picturesque, though at times stifling, Seattle suburb of Queens Ridge as they parent teenagers Ella and Tucker.
As so often happens in marriage, their romantic life falls casualty to busy schedules and repetitive routine, until one night, a stranger asks Jessica to dance. On a whim, Jake urges her to say yes, saying that he wants to watch this other man touch her, something that surprises Jessica by arousing her like never before. A door opens for them then, into a realm of exploration neither of them knew existed.
They create rules to protect their marriage, and are thrilled when their relationship is strengthened and enriched by deeper levels of communication and trust brought about by this exciting, but taboo behavior. That is, until Jessica keeps a secret from Jake and embarks on a tryst with an intriguing man from her past, who, when she tries to end things between them, decides to seek revenge.
What happens after that will threaten to destroy their world--and them.
A juicy and insightful look into the shifting definition of modern marriage and the limits placed upon female sexuality, TELL ME EVERYTHING will make you question everything you thought you knew about what constitutes marital bliss, and keep you turning pages into the night.
"In that bedroom, I wasn't a mother or a wife. I was simply a woman. I was Jessica."
I love when a book is so different that it has me more turning the pages with wonder and curiosity than anything else. This one was riveting. I couldn't stop reading it and knew going in that it was already going to be one that tested not only my beliefs and understandings, but also my ability to see beyond the normal confines of others' directives on how a marriage should be lived. Let me tell you, I enjoyed stepping outside my comfort zone with this book. Very much so.
I have always maintained my love of a triangle storyline not only because of the forbidden aspect of someone stepping outside the relationship, but more of the exploration of one's emotional capacity, mentally and physically. That has always intrigued me. So many opinions about how you can't love more than one, or you can't fall for someone else if you're truly in love with your GF/BF/Spouse/etc. I love the discussions. I love to debate it, pros and cons. So when I had the opportunity to read this book after seeing it around FB, I knew that I was in for a ride. After reading, the title for this book was perfection in three words - it couldn't be more perfect.
I love that this book gave me another perspective on an otherwise closed subject. To be able to listen to opinions, thoughts, ideas and reasons - ones that give me a better idea about the subject at hand, with an open mind, definitely gave me a different insight. The discussion alone was animated, and this one gave me a lot to ponder. A lot to chat about with my husband conversationally and trust me, a lot of conversation was had about this book. I love that this book challenged my thought processes on a subject that has a black and white final answer for me, but definitely gave me plenty to think about and discuss. I loved the variables this storyline offered me, as well. The scenario gave a very thought provoking reality of how things can turn and what once was good could be toxic. I loved this dynamic. Again, so much to discuss. I am actually shocked at how much I enjoyed this one. Not that I doubted I would, but the truth of how much I did.
"My husband loved that I was a strong woman - I knew that side of me was much of why seeing and hearing about me having sex with another man turned him on."
The complexities alone for navigating this type of relationship - I cannot even begin to acknowledge my own inhibitions and thoughts, let alone think it could/would be something that could be a "put myself in her shoes" sort of thing. This book made me perfectly uncomfortable, but bewitched me at the same time. I honestly couldn't stop reading!! It was like watching a train wreck because I couldn't look away - total definition of morbid curiosity, but I couldn't help but not read in wonder, watch it as it played out. I enjoyed the highs, but the lows were rough. The best part about this one was that it was all plausible. It was all real and I could 100% see this all happening as it did.
It would do me good to remember that this was a blend between women's fiction and romance, and that it doesn't necessarily fall under the romance umbrella as a whole. Not in a bad way, but the focus wasn't necessarily on the romantic adventure of this couple, but centered around their entire life they've built and how this actually affected their relationship as a whole. There was plenty of romance, don't get me wrong. The eventuality of change, and the possibility of it straining your relationship was imminent from the beginning. Having said that, the only thing that really bothered me was the constant switch from current life - learning to explore with her husband, and the past and her upbringing that made her the type of person she was today. Not really bad....it just felt cumbersome in some parts. However, by the time it was over, it gave me some insight into her past (necessary to understand who she was now), but the back and forth felt awkward in some stages. Overall, all in all - this was a well rounded story and definitely gave me plenty to think about as I read it.
It was fascinating to watch the lives of this married couple navigate uncertain waters, but also the way in which they worked through it. It wasn't scandalous, but it did provide a very real truth to this kind of scenario. Some of the discussions of the repercussions were missing in that conversation, I feel, but who am I to judge how someone comes to an understanding on things? Because I'm not. I couldn't put this book down. This book is not for the judgmental ones that can't accept different lifestyles. This isn't for the ones that don't understand the need to explore. This book reminds me of a wildly true book that I read a few years ago that got so much flack because of the painful honesty that it delivered. And that was my favorite part. The realness of it - the fabricated truth in not only the outward appearances, but the underlying reality to it behind closed doors.
Maybe I didn't mention this before, but I couldn't put this book down.
"He was different than being with Jake, intoxicating in a way I'd never felt before.
The first thing you should know about me is that I love my husband. The second is that I occasionally have sex with other men.
Here I am, on a Saturday night, in the arms of a man we found together. He is smart, funny. He understands our need for discretion. He knows that he is only a visitor.
I kiss this man. I undress for him and let him touch my body. He teases me, as I do, him. We fall into bed, and I memorize the taste of his skin, how it feels when he pushes inside me. The number of times he makes me come. I etch every one of his movements into my memory, filing them away, like dreams. Knowing that what happens between us is everything. And, yet, at the same time, nothing at all.
When we finish, I leave, almost immediately, and go home to the man who cherishes me.
I find him waiting for me, always, knowing exactly where I’ve been. I hurry toward him, my flesh still scented by another mans’ caress, my body aching from the pleasure of what we’ve just done.
My eyes lock on my husband’s. Our desire for each other pulses like a heart that has just been brought back to life.
When I reach him--when I am finally, truly home--he pulls me to his chest, his lips pressed against my ear.
“Tell me everything,” he says. “Don’t leave anything out.”
Amy Hatvany was born in Seattle, WA in 1972, the youngest of three children. She graduated from Western Washington University in 1994 with a degree in Sociology only to discover most sociologists are unemployed. Soon followed a variety of jobs – some of which she loved, like decorating wedding cakes; others which she merely tolerated, like receptionist. In 1998, Amy finally decided to sell her car, quit her job, and take a chance on writing books.
The literary gods took kindly to her aspirations and THE KIND OF LOVE THAT SAVES YOU was published in 2000 by Bantam Doubleday. THE LANGUAGE OF SISTERS was picked up by NAL in 2002. (Both titles published under "Yurk.")
Amy spends most of her time today with her second and final husband, Stephan. (Seriously, if this one doesn’t work out, she’s done.) She stays busy with her two children, Scarlett and Miles, and her “bonus child,” Anna. Their blended family also includes two four-legged hairy children, commonly known as Black Lab mutts, Kenda and DolcĂ©. When Amy’s not with friends or family, she is most likely reading, cooking or zoning out on certain reality television shows. Top Chef is a current favorite. She eagerly awaits auditions for the cast of “Top Author.” (“Quick Edit” instead of “Quick Fire” Challenge? C’mon, producers! That’s gripping television!)
The literary gods took kindly to her aspirations and THE KIND OF LOVE THAT SAVES YOU was published in 2000 by Bantam Doubleday. THE LANGUAGE OF SISTERS was picked up by NAL in 2002. (Both titles published under "Yurk.")
Amy spends most of her time today with her second and final husband, Stephan. (Seriously, if this one doesn’t work out, she’s done.) She stays busy with her two children, Scarlett and Miles, and her “bonus child,” Anna. Their blended family also includes two four-legged hairy children, commonly known as Black Lab mutts, Kenda and DolcĂ©. When Amy’s not with friends or family, she is most likely reading, cooking or zoning out on certain reality television shows. Top Chef is a current favorite. She eagerly awaits auditions for the cast of “Top Author.” (“Quick Edit” instead of “Quick Fire” Challenge? C’mon, producers! That’s gripping television!)
Your intriguing and eloquent review has me completely enthralled! I love how you are so introspective and yet unbiased in your reflections and insights. Thank you!
Thank YOU, Chayo!!! This book came at me from behind and I just couldn't believe how much I enjoyed it!
DeleteThis sounds so good and I love that excerpt!
ReplyDeleteAnd it's SO fitting for the entire storyline and I loved it!!!