Thursday, December 13, 2018

Book Review and Giveaway for Verity by Colleen Hoover


Lowen Ashleigh is a struggling writer on the brink of financial ruin when she accepts the job offer of a lifetime. Jeremy Crawford, husband of bestselling author Verity Crawford, has hired Lowen to complete the remaining books in a successful series his injured wife is unable to finish.

Lowen arrives at the Crawford home, ready to sort through years of Verity's notes and outlines, hoping to find enough material to get her started. What Lowen doesn't expect to uncover in the chaotic office is an unfinished autobiography Verity never intended for anyone to read. Page after page of bone-chilling admissions, including Verity's recollection of what really happened the day her daughter died.

Lowen decides to keep the manuscript hidden from Jeremy, knowing its contents would devastate the already grieving father. But as Lowen's feelings for Jeremy begin to intensify, she recognizes all the ways she could benefit if he were to read his wife's words. After all, no matter how devoted Jeremy is to his injured wife, a truth this horrifying would make it impossible for him to continue to love her.

"The world was her manuscript. No surface was safe."

I guess I can say, Colleen put the holy chit in holy chit. Totally still sitting here with wide eyes and my jaw dropped because I am still thinking about it. Two days later. Still.

I have had a desire for something new lately Something to shake up my reading just a bit and get away from the ordinary contemporary romance arena. I've been getting recommendations for PNR, looking into other kinds of sub-genres, etc. Well, come to find out Colleen Hoover wrote a thriller? I mean, a great author that I already enjoy, throwing her hat into another ring? Heck yeah!! I'm in!!! This was just the kind of read I needed! Now, before I fell in love with romance, I heavily read True Crime and Mysteries. I really enjoyed those kinds of books, but I haven't read them in years. So reading this genre by a known, amazing wordsmith really made me wide-eye a few spots, and even gave me the chills a few times. Lo and behold, I loved it!!!

FYI: I always wonder what my review will read like to another reader who hasn't read the book....but now I wonder how I will get this all out without spoilers and how those that have read it will be able to understand where I'm coming from.  

This is one of those books that you sit there after you finish it and you stare blank faced, wide eyed out the window just to process the crazy you just read. One of those ones that you find yourself asking questions out loud to an empty room, and then answering them. Like, really? Did I just read that? I've heard it before; immerse yourself in the crazy to get in the headspace you need. I kinda wonder, Colleen.....HOW did you get into THAT headspace?? Brilliant. Creepy, but brilliant. Colleen, let's be friends, please? When you can willingly and knowingly bend the will and belief of your readers, that's talent. I feel as if Colleen infused a bit of herself in this one quite well by leading us with her wit, but allowing us to question her sanity at the exact same time. Really....brilliant. 

I loved that I got to try something new with a voice I loved. It was creepy because I didn't know who to blame. What to expect. How it was going to end. I was kept guessing the entire time. Obviously being outside of a genre I normally read had me on my toes the whole time, but the air of mystery got to me throughout the entire book. I think she pulled this one off rather well. When I say I got the creeps from this one, I mean it. I don't scare easily, but a girl isn't afraid to admit the bumps in the night make her not sleep and when her husband is gone at night, I sleep....I mean, she sleeps with her closet light on. But, anywaaaay, I got to 80% at 4:30 in the morning and had to put it down. The next chapter started and it immediately wigged me out!! I was like, nope!! Gotta try to sleep! HAHAHA! I liked the ride this one took me on. Out of the ordinary, different from my normal reads....and there was a love that was burgeoning as well, and that gave me some levity and strength to keep reading. (After I woke up!)

Ok, I realize that this book may not be über super scary to many, and that's fine. Totally wasn't scary in the whole scheme of things - I wasn't scared like that, but it sure did give me the willies. Like, I never would have stayed at that house, I can promise you that much. Nope. Nope. Nope. No way, dude. I got the chills too many times between all the things happening, and even the different characters and their actions. I don't need to sit here and explain how she flows, and blah blah blah...most of us (hopefully) have already read at least one of her books and know how well she carries a tune - because she can orchestrate a love like no other. I love her characters, the dynamic she inflects in her words, and the way she tells a story. Reading this really was a no brainer for me. But Colleen allowed me to see so many scenarios differently - until the pieces were finally put together in the end, only to make me question them all over again! I will admit this book will be discussed animatedly for some time to come. Theories and curiosities abound, especially when she ends a book like that....

"The good thing about sins is they don't have to be atoned for immediately."

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Colleen Hoover is the New York Times bestselling author of nine novels, including the #1 bestseller, Hopeless. She lives in Texas with her husband and three children. She is the founder of The Bookworm Box, a book subscription service which donates 100% of its proceeds to charity. She also owns The Bookworm Box, a specialty bookstore located in Sulphur Springs, Tx.





  1. I am a huge thriller reader (almost as much as romance) and I cannot wait to read this one. It sounds amazing. I can't wait to re-read this review after I read the book. Then we can discuss...

  2. Love your reviews! Cant wait to read this one
