Friday, December 7, 2018

Book Review and Giveaway for Across the Horizon by Aly Martinez


“Sometimes love happens when you least expect it.” That was what my husband’s mistress told me the day I found out about their affair.

I didn’t believe it until five minutes later when mouth-watering celebrity chef Tanner Reese walked up, tossed his arm around my shoulders, and told my cheating husband to take a hike.

Tanner and I couldn’t have been more different. He spent his weekends at clubs, rubbing elbows with fellow A-listers. I spent mine in yoga pants with cheese boards and a glass of wine—or six.

Our relationship shouldn’t have worked, but it did. That is until Tanner proved to me that even though love happens when you least expect it...

So does heartbreak.

"Life isn't fair. It's cruel and calculating. But it is real."

Aly Martinez never fails to amaze me. Never. I'm putting that out there as my disclaimer because as critical as I can try to be about her books, it will still come across as an "Ode to Aly's Writing by Bee".  HAHAHA!! Just kidding. It's not an ode because I'm not creative enough to come up with something that cool....unlike Tanner, but it'll be full of love, nevertheless. Regardless, this book is an easy recommendation for me. Easy.

So, a few readers have asked me if they can read this without reading The Darkest Sunrise Duet and while I can easily say YES, because she spoiled exactly NOTHING for that duet, the question begs to be asked: Why wouldn't you? Her writing is flawless!!! Absolutely flawless. I was so set on enjoying this book, and reading it for the story she was giving me, that I finished it in one sitting (which I hate doing with hers because they end too quickly...) I barely even highlighted anything or made notes while I read the book which is so unlike me. But what a good story to settle into. Absolutely worthy.

Edited to Add: I think you will get a better appreciation for Tanner and Rita's story by reading the duet first, and getting the pleasure of seeing the OTHER side of Porter and Charlotte's story was really neat!!! They fit seamlessly together and I think she melded them really well. 

I seriously laughed so hard in the beginning of this book. Like, had to put the book down, wipe my eyes crying-laughing at this book. However, I have decided I would like to try Crème de la fru fru made by Tanner, because hello? Chef. Famous chef. Like, knows his ish, famous chef. Oh, and he's hot. But Tanner and Rita were quite amusing -  nothing short of comical, actually. I can assure you that you'll be smiling while reading this one. I laughed throughout the entire book. Their banter was on another level, and it just made the book that much more for me. Not many can pull off sexy with a huge helping of humor. <-- "The alliteration in that sentence made my head hurt." (I seriously laugh...and die. You'll see.)

Was their story easy? NO. Not even a little bit, and the reasons and the pain behind their drama was so real. So true. But the fact that you have this man that is ALL sorts of man, but has a heart of pure gold, is alpha and possessive, but giving and sweet? He has to be one of my favorite Heroes from Aly. (I don't know how much of a lie that really is because she always makes me fall in love with her Heroes.) He saw everything he needed to see and when I read a man that is that intuitive, it just makes me smile that much more because there are really men out there like that and Aly seems to give them life in her words; effortlessly.

"You can't be afraid of falling back down or you'll never reach the top."

She gives a full story....a well rounded, well thought out, storyline full of affection, and pain. Full of smart-assery and seriousness. I love that she can tell a story that gives me everything I ever need in a story. Her words flow uninhibited, her story doesn't have any holes, and her characters are genuinely likeable!! I cannot complain about anything she has ever written, and I don't intend to start now. I just love the way she writes a love that is more than fate. More than required to continue on. More than anything in the entire world. I love her love stories.

That epilogue was all sorts of smile inducing. Ridiculous yet hilarious, but so worth every single smile Aly elicited from me. But, their story couldn't have ended any other way. There was so much meaning....and it was all in the little things. I really liked how she was able to not only have her characters 'learn their lesson', but she also put a few things into perspective - and as the reader, it made the story that much more endearing. It's a sigh worthy ending, and I hope you love it just as much as I did.

"She was my brain's favorite subject, my subconscious's favorite obsession, and my heart's greatest torture."


Born and raised in Savannah, Georgia, Aly Martinez is a stay-at-home mom to four crazy kids under the age of five- including a set of twins. Currently living in Chicago, she passes what little free time she has reading anything and everything she can get her hands on, preferably with a glass of wine at her side.
After some encouragement from her friends, Aly decided to add “Author” to her ever-growing list of job titles. So grab a glass of Chardonnay, or a bottle if you’re hanging out with Aly, and join her aboard the crazy train she calls life.





  1. I Love a book with great banter! This sounds fantastic. And, lucky me, it's on my Kindle 😊 Great review, 🐝

  2. You made me smile with your review Bee.I love books with bantering. I'm so excited to read this. I love Aly too.
