Truth: Penn Walker entered my life like a summer storm—dark, ominous, and filled with thunder.
After witnessing my husband’s murder, I didn’t have much of a heart left to offer a man.
But Penn took it all.
Every jagged shard.
Every broken bit.
Even the dirty and twisted pieces that I wish never existed.
Lie: I didn’t need him to save me.
Lie: I knew exactly who he was.
Lie: Losing him wouldn’t destroy me.
But that’s the thing about lies—you never know who to believe.
"In my life, nothing is permanent but pain."
It's not very often that I delay the finishing of a book because I legit fear the ending of the story coming and me losing that connection to the characters. Many times I finish and I'm good to go, happy even - write my review, set up my giveaway, gush about the book and move on. Nothing wrong with that because I do it probably 95% of the time, I'm sure. But every once in a while, a story comes along and makes me feel more, makes me crave more, makes me fear the end. I simply didn't want to let go. This book, this duet really, did everything I love. Everything. It was action packed, it was intense, it was character driven, it was a love worth my time and energy away from the real world. Aly is so good at what she does. I don't think there is anyone that can honestly dispute that...I just don't. Penn and Cora had me wrapped up in my emotions. I sat at 92% for a while and procrastinated like a boss.....I just didn't want to say goodbye to them.
Not only does Aly write a story that literally wraps you up, but she gives you that warmth in her words, the familiarity....the ease. She's such an easy read, and with her words flowing effortlessly, you can't help but relate to her characters, even if they're in an unrelatable situation. It's because she makes them relatable and real. Just down to earth, easy characters. Nothing is forced, everything is pretty copacetic.
I notice that I mentioned in my notes a few times about how strong Cora was. There seems to have been a recurrent WOW aspect to her situations and reactions. I've read plenty of discussions about how strong a heroine is, or what others consider strong, and I honestly think Cora sets the bar and takes the cake on this one. She was the epitome of smarts riddle with grief, but still cognizant of life around her. She was so observant, and she took everything in for not only face value, but for it's purpose as well. This book took some twists and turns and magnified them so I was wide-eyed quite a few times, yet Cora's strength didn't follow the route I would have thought! I would have buckled 110 times had I been in her shoes. Not only from the difficulty of the situations presented, but the mere wink from Penn would have made my knees buckle! I wondered if she would ever break.....if there was a crack that we could see, but she held it together and I loved it! I most definitely enjoy that aspect of Aly's writing; it's never predictable.
Penn is literally book boyfriend gold. I mean, I know I said in my review for The Truth About Lies that the storyline and characters were intense, but Penn melted my soul. He had a strength, but I think I felt like I could name his weakness: Cora. His determination to see through with his plan was CrAzY, even with all the pain that was sure to transpire after it was all said and done. But man! LOVE. Absolute love. I know there isn't a whole lot of info I can give without keeping this spoiler-free, but I do know that this is a highly recommended read. I couldn't put it down and most definitely was transfixed by everything happening.
I will admit I sat at my computer for a very long time trying to write this review. It's not always easy to put into words something that speaks for itself. I'll be honest and say that Aly Martinez blows me away with every book she writes, and maybe I am biased, but I love the brilliance behind every aspect of her books, from the cover to the words to the title. My favorite part about this whole book, well - the duet really, was the meaning behind the titles. Those mean so much when put into perspective. I like knowing I will get a HEA with Aly, but the thought alone of the turmoil along the journey is what ultimately gets me all fired up. The writing is always superb, but the shocking twists and the unfathomable outcomes are what keep me coming back for more. Her stories never cease to impress me, book after book. I am so excited to see what she comes up with next. The very ending of this one was smile inducing because now I have something to look forward to!!
"Cora. Cora. Cora. My mind's favorite distraction. And torture."
Born and raised in Savannah, Georgia, Aly Martinez is a stay-at-home mom to four crazy kids under the age of five- including a set of twins. Currently living in Chicago, she passes what little free time she has reading anything and everything she can get her hands on, preferably with a glass of wine at her side.
After some encouragement from her friends, Aly decided to add “Author” to her ever-growing list of job titles. So grab a glass of Chardonnay, or a bottle if you’re hanging out with Aly, and join her aboard the crazy train she calls life.
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