Thursday, October 4, 2018

Book Review and Giveaway for Medicine Man by Saffron A Kent

Willow Taylor lives in a castle with large walls and iron fences. But this is no ordinary castle. It’s called Heartstone Psychiatric hospital and it houses forty other patients. It has nurses with mean faces and techs with permanent frowns.

It has a man, as well. A man who is cold and distant. Whose voice drips with authority. And whose piercing gray eyes hide secrets, and maybe linger on her face a second too long.

Willow isn’t supposed to look deep into those eyes. She isn’t supposed to try to read his tightly leashed emotions. And neither is she supposed to touch herself at night, imagining his powerful voice and that cold but beautiful face.

No, Willow Taylor shouldn’t be attracted to Simon Blackwood, at all.

Because she’s a patient and he’s her doctor. Her psychiatrist.

The medicine man.

WARNING: This book discusses sensitive issues including but not limited to, depression and suicide.

REVIEW: 4 bold stars
"She needs a true hero. I'm a broken one."

I feel like I need to stress that this book might not be for everyone. This one seems to have been written in the same mindset as The Unrequited, which was on my Favorites List for 2017. And once again, the intensity was there. I loved the mood, the pull, the uninhibited look at the psyche of one woman trying to prove something to...someone. This character was definitely one that didn't think like a lot of people. I loved being inside her mind.

Saffron is the type of author that you can either connect with her style, her thoughts, her words quite easily, or she’s not your type and you’re going to pick apart her words, her scenarios, her idea of forbidden love. I’m firmly in the first camp. I am always taken away with her stories and I enjoy the journey she takes me on. The range of thoughts on this book are going to vary wildly from a DNF to a glowing 5 star because her words will affect us each differently. But mind you, that’s not to say that any one person’s idea or rating of this book is going to be wrong, and I think that is the beauty of her writing. The moral side of it? The forbidden aspect of it? It’s catchy and naughty, disgusting and pure, real and awkward, all mixed into one intriguing book. Her words lure you in, and then you’re stuck. I couldn’t pull away. No matter how much the relationship between Simon and Willow may bother some, it will work for others. Read it. Or don’t. But understand that everyone will take something different from this book. But also, please don’t begrudge someone their feelings just because they don’t match yours because this book will definitely spark conversations, both good and bad. I, for one, cannot wait to have those conversations! *rubs hands together*

"A hero is someone who knows how to rise."

One of the many things I loved about this one is the fact that once I got into the story, there was another underlying story there that I got to explore rather intensely. Nitty gritty, raw and tortured....there was much more to this than I originally thought. Was there raunchiness? Was there filth? Was it morally inept? Sure. Yes. Why not? But that’s not all that I read. I saw the tragedy. I saw the pain. I saw the desire, the lust, the need, the crushing devastation all tied up and set in a box titled crazy. And for the record, that word doesn’t mean anything on the inside/outside...just remember that.

Saffron, you ruin me for stories like this - the kind of story that's in it's rawest form with an unembellished grit that I find missing in many books. Not every love story is pretty and wrapped up in a bow, sealed with a kiss. Some of them are a trip and rather dysfunctional - according to the rules of the world, of course. This one didn't follow any rules or any formula, and that's why it felt so pure to me. I may have felt some parts were forced, even had a double-take a few times, but the overall theme of the book was infatuation. Between the characters....and me. I couldn't put it down. It was just different enough that it made me stop and think about different points of view; life from a different vantage point. I really liked how it played out. She took some liberties with this story and it allowed for an all consuming love to unfold before my eyes.

Saffron Kent isn't your ordinary writer; she's a storytelling artist. Her words evoke, her stories twist, her whole heart is bared to you so you can read through her characters' eyes. She writes with an eclectic style, with a unique insight on the other side of normal ... or what is perceived as normal. I know that sounds weird, but I love the way she is able to write an obsessive or CrAzY character, and put us inside their head. I freaking LOVE her words. I wish more could infuse as much emphasis and power into their words as she does, because she does it with so much emotion and so much clarity that you can't help but take the journey as one of her characters.
"I soak in her features, her body, her emotions."
Writer of bad romances. Coffee Addict. White Russian Drinker. Imaginary Ballet Dancer and poetess. Aspiring Lana Del Ray of the book world.

I'm a big believer in love (obviously). I believe in happily ever after, the butterflies and the tingling. But I also believe in edgy, rough and gutsy kind of love. I believe in pushing the boundaries, darker (sometimes morally ambiguous) emotions and imperfections.

The kind of love I write about is flawed just like my characters. And I hope by the end of it, you'll come to root for them just as much as me. Because love, no matter where it comes from, is always pure and beautiful. 

If you ever get a hankering to talk about books or love, you can find me here:

Her book group: Saffron's Purple Hearts
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1 comment:

  1. Wow I love your review Bee! I was already intrigued with this book after reading the synopsis. But now even more so when you said this book might not be for everyone. I love it when you get me so curious with a book. Coz I know we will have a nice chat about it. Now I can't wait to read this.
