Friday, May 25, 2018

Book Review and Giveaway for Rebel Heart by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward

How to screw up a great summer in the Hamptons:

Sleep with your boss. Check.

Blow all your money on a rental you can't afford. Check.

How to walk away from a man you fall in love with at the end of a summer:

...I'll let you know when I figure it out.

"Life should be about living with uncertainty while we watch beautiful sunsets with the people we love."

I don't know why I am so disappointed. Ok, that's a lie - I know exactly why. It took me a bit to sit down and write this review, and it's with a heavy heart that I say that in comparison to the first book, this one was just not right. It was a dud for me. I was so freaking upset by the time this book was over, I was legit sad. My mood shifted. And for everyone that wants to say, it's just a book. I know. <sigh> I am very aware of that, but you know how you have such high expectations for something that was so amazing at first, but then it fails you? Yeah, that's exactly how I felt about this one. I will say this: they nailed a real, true and honest love. Sadly, it was one compromised by circumstances, but enhanced by real emotions and life. I give them that. But....ugh.

I just feel like this book went from relatable and honest to a complete circus act - stupid drama and unfinished business. Rush was the man. To be privy to his thoughts, it added a whole new element for me. As badass as he was, he was genuine and that just upped the swoon factor. His banter made me giggle and his naughty mouth made me blush. He did everything for Gia and made sure she was always taken care of; emotionally, mentally, and physically. He had forethought, always one step ahead to make sure Gia never needed for a thing. He always went above and beyond, always having stuff in order and never missing out on important things. It's because he was responsible. He made plans to make sure their life was going to be stress-free and drama-free. Again, going above and waaaay beyond. And then he misses the ENTIRE thing he so desperately wanted to be a part of!!? What is this?? Is it life? Yes, it is. I get it. People miss things all the time. I get that. I do. But I don't like how this all played out and it turned something that was so perfect into unnecessary drama and actions that didn't line up with the other 185% of the total sum of both books (100% from the first and 85% from the second - book math!!). When all of the sudden characters stop doing what we have grown accustomed to, it starts to make the book take on a different theme, and that is what ruined this one for me. I was so upset and I can't believe it upset me that much. Ridiculous, right? It is. I know it is and I accept that this is not rational behavior. But dammit, I expected more from these two because they have delivered repeatedly for me and I just think I feel completely let down by the finished product.

I accepted the back and forth of 'can we/do we' that the characters waded through, because that totally works for me when it's warranted and written well, and this one was!! Oh, it so was. Because in this case, it was so warranted because of the circumstances. The nature of the emotional upheaval that Rush had was pure. I could totally feel his pain and why he was questioning everything. It was organic. It was authentic. It was real. I got it. They wrote that sooo well, and his emotions were legit. I'm trying not to give too much away, because that would ruin the entire duet for many....but his pain was real. It was palpable. It was evident. And then for this buildup to continue to escalate and the drive for a better life was planned and executed, and he is pushing for what he believes is right in their world only to have it ripped away, leaving a gaping hole? It didn't make sense!! It didn't line up with the rest of everything he had done previously, with his actions and his words. So it made ZERO sense why the last 15% went and spiraled downhill like this one did.

I will say this much: this duet started out so promising with the first book being so so good. So interesting. There were some relatable characters to laugh and connect with. There was some drama that I could actually see happening and not even question it....and believe it or not, that drama was my favorite part because I knew it was going to showcase the emotional side to a sometimes funny, and sometimes naughty story. It provided an element of pain and suffering on one front, but also turmoil on the heart on another. Bottom line: perfect storyline. The ending just sucked royally. Why a 3 if I'm so mad? Because the storyline was perfect. The initial drama was perfect. The desire and love and lust was perfect. It was so good until that very end when all of the sudden we were dealing with four completely different characters than what we started off with. That was not perfect. That was heartbreaking.

"Gia - My beautiful Gia. I loved her more than I thought I could handle."



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Vi Keeland is a native New Yorker with three children that occupy most of her free time, which she complains about often, but wouldn't change for the world. She is a bookworm and has been known to read her kindle at stop lights, while styling her hair, cleaning, walking, during sporting events, and frequently while pretending to work. She is a boring attorney by day, and an exciting smut author by night!



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Penelope Ward is a New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling author. She grew up in Boston with five older brothers and spent most of her twenties as a television news anchor, before switching to a more family-friendly career. She is the proud mother of a beautiful 11-year-old girl with autism and a 9-year-old boy. Penelope and her family reside in Rhode Island. 





  1. Replies
    1. Well, this was one of the harder ones to's not always easy to be so upset and to let it out in a respectful way while not giving anything away.
