What a year!!! I got to 'meet' some new authors through their books this year, and I love doing that. I read some old favorites that I know I am guaranteed a good read, and was sadly disappointed by a few others that I have come to love. C'est la vie in the life of books, right? Well, what books did I love? There were a TON this year and I feel like I was book blessed quite a bit. It was a great year overall, and I am so glad I got to document it this year on my own blog. I read/finished 103 books this year, which equaled out to a respectable 2 books a week, but my gosh...I feel like I need more time because there were SO many to read!! I know that doesn't sound like a lot....but it definitely was a busy year for me. I loved it!I want to let you know this list is in NO way in any specific order because I am a rambler by nature, but I have some recurring favorite authors and some brand new ones to me as well. What an amazing year it was for me in the book world. I feel so book blessed.
Best of the Year

This was on a few of my lists, so I think it needed to just be placed under the header of favorite of the year. It is best to go in blind with this one as it will make you catch your breath as you discover everything as it happens. I most definitely went in blind and am so glad. I have never openly cried so hard after reading a book like I did with this one. Sobbing. Sob-bing. I would love for everyone to read this book. It was life-altering, to say the least.
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This book BROKE me in October. I was down for the count. The hold Jamie and B had over each other was intense. So very intense. I loved how this one broke me, but it made it rough to pick up other books. No books were working and I was pretty much sad because while I crave ANGST like no other, and this book delivered it in spades....all the way up to the very last page. LAST. PAGE. I literally couldn't enjoy another book for a while after this one. She is on my list to check out in the new year...starting with Weightless.
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I hate cliffhangers....I do, but as addictive as Mary writes, this book could NOT be postponed. I am in love with the characters, the pure need they had and the trials they went through. The angst in this book was top notch and I could not settle down while reading this one. I really enjoyed being able to go through all the trials and tribulations that Teller and Ella went through, and that ending....OMG. Seriously, the wait is going to be agonizing. There is no denying that, but in true Mary Elizabeth fashion, amazing story. Book hangover alert.
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Him and Us by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy
This duet was the perfect introduction to these two co-writers. I lived and breathed Jamie and Wes for 4 days as I read both of their books. I LOVE THEM!!! The way this story was told allowed me to read this spectacular romance from a very naive POV. It showed me the fear, the love, the excitement and the pain that came along with exploring something so new and unknown. I loved this and these books stuck with me ALL year. Thanks to Jenn at Garden of REden that suggested them to me.
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Sweetest Venom by Mia Asher
Having to wait for the conclusion to Easy Virtue and find out what was going on between Ronan, Law and Blaire....I figured I was going to get an epic conclusion. Well, I did. So much so that I had to walk around, and get myself back to sitting to read. I had SO much anxiety reading this book, I was breathing funny!!! This book was the first book that I can remember that made me actually have to remind myself to breathe. It was so heavy. To see past Blaire's faults and look into her heart was an amazing thing to be able to do and is a true testament to Mia's fantastic writing. She is a a must read author.
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The Vixen and the Vet by Katy Regnery
I love Katy's ease in which she tells a story and her ability to suck you right in. She is a phenomenal writer and I really enjoy her stories. No one can write innocence quite like her, but also make it sexy and hot as well. Her writing really stands up on it's own. I love her words and am so glad I can trust my heart to her and know she will take care of me. Her modern fairytale series is my favorite fairytale series that I have read.
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It's You by Katy Regnery
Ok....seriously, this was THE BEST paranormal book I've ever read. I know that isn't saying much when I don't read PNR, but it says enough to where I loved that I was able to suspend my belief, fall in love with these characters that had otherworldly abilities and feel the need to check out more. Quite different than my norm, but glad that I was able to hand over my heart and mind and know I was in for a treat with her words. I literally cannot tell you how amazing Jack and Darcy's story truly was. I am still thinking about it.
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Undo Me by M Robinson
Again with the angst...this one was the perfect example of a second/third/fourth chance romance that really had me rooting for them. I was glued to my kindle while I read this one and am pretty sure that put M Robinson on my must reads list. This entire series is amazing....seriously, check it out.
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The First Taste by Jessica Hawkins
Andrew and Amelia could NOT have been any more opposite, but the fact that they both fought and then realized what was really happening made for a very fun and intriguing book. This book also made me dream of bathtub scenes for days. Andrew is a top BBF for me in Jessica's books, right after David Dylan from The Cityscape Series (Must Read/Favorite Triangle of all time). I love Jessica's brand of angst and always look forward to her stories.
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Author Anonymous by Ek Blair
This book was INSANE!! This was probably the most twisted, messed up story that I have ever read and it was so good. This was a selfish look at a forbidden side of a woman needing validation. The emotions I felt while reading this book were intense. I was angry. I felt bad. I was flabbergasted. I was shocked. It was definitely an intriguing book, one worth reading and discussing. My favorite thing about this book was the discussions that followed.
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Black Swan Affair by KL Kreig
I read this book immediately following A Love Letter to Whiskey and it added to my amazingly horrific book hangover that lasted a LONG time. It was rough, but clearly I worked hard on that hangover. Talk about angsty goodness....I love a triangle, but I love one even more when the author can make me feel BOTH sides of the love because that is the honest truth behind a triangle. I loved how much this one made me think and want and need. So good!
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Best Series
Soul Series by Kennedy Ryan
Where to even begin with this one. I started this series in 2015, but finished it this year and their love stuck with me. The way Kennedy wrote was lyrical. Rhys and Kai were literally a match made in heaven, but they went through hell to get to where they are. Their love is most definitely beauty on the pages. I fell in love with her Bennett Series while waiting for the rest of this series to come out. Kennedy is a must read author of mine and I am anxiously awaiting more from her.
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Lucas by Jay Mclean
For being my first book by Jay McLean despite being recommended to me on numerous occasions, I was very impressed. I do NOT like, nor do I enjoy YA, but for the record....Jay will be a must read for me. Her style was smooth and easy to read, and the fact that I was able to put myself in the position of Lucas and Laney and remember the first kisses, falling in love with your soul mate and finding out the hard ways when things go wrong, says a lot about Jay's ability to sweep me up right off my feet. I am looking forward to reading the entire Preston clan's series, but I know that I will be catching up on her More Than series soon. This book brought me out of my book funk after DNF'ing so many books after my book hangover from Black Swan Affair and A Love Letter to Whiskey. It came at just the right time!
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Best Sports Standalone and/or Series

Quarry and Liv's story shook me and I am so thankful I took the time to check out Aly Martinez. Seriously, this book was everything for me. It left me speechless after I read it and knew that my emotions would come out jumbled had I tried to explain what it did to me. I loved this entire series by Aly, but Quarry and Liv's love was the one I was looking forward to. The twists it took rocked me and I was excited to see how their love came to. This is a must read series.
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The Baller by Vi Keeland
The Baller was a fun book to read and the banter between Delilah and Brody made me smile. I *love* banter on cocky men! I still smile thinking about how these two met! Vi Keeland was a fairly new to me author when I had read this book, but I have really enjoyed all her stories that I've read. They are always so well written and I have found that I can't stop smiling while reading her stories. Her co-written books with Penelope Ward are really great too. I have loved EVERY one of them that she/they have written.
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How to even begin to describe this series. Every book, I attained a new book boyfriend! Hockey because a fun to sport to read about and this year I read many books that had that as the sport. All the men got progressively sexier, and I am not sure how that ever happened. Ryker is a favorite, but to single out one would be a travesty because the entire series is an amazing one!! Definitely check out the series.
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LOW by Mary Elizabeth
This book had me on the EDGE of my seat and my adrenaline racing the entire time I read this book!! Holy cow! I felt like I was the one on the run! So freaking good!! I knew Mary Elizabeth was a fantastic writer with the ability to emote feelings after I read Dusty and loved it. That was one twisted love I knew she was going to be an easy yes for another book. She didn't let me down with this one and she has become on of my go-to guaranteed good reads authors.
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Knot by M Mabie
Oh holy cow....this book, thissss book!!! I loved my introduction to M Mabie last year with her Wake Series, but this spin off solidified my love for her brand of angst. I loved Reggie and Nora and the fights they had with themselves and each other just to recognize what they already knew in their heart of hearts was their destiny. I love love loved this book. So much. It was so powerful and so moving. I am a huge fan of Mo's work.
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Best Epilogue

Nate and Ember's story was SO good....this book was so perfect. I love the Hope Town series, and the fact that it spun off from her Corps Security series made it that much more fun to follow. I like Harper's ability to weave a story, crazy or not, and make you fall in love with the alpha male that is usually way over the top. Love. It. Nate was THE man and he was everything I wanted to see in him. Harper did an amazing job on his story, but his epilogue stuck out to me. Perfection.
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Falling in love with Bridger started back in the very beginning of the Wicked Horse series and I loved getting snippets of him in every book, but the conclusion and epilogue were AMAZING. I loved the epilogue in this book so much so that I even advocated just reading it....and I NEVER EVER do that!! Oh my gosh, it was awesome. But don't spoil it. Read the series and make sure you savor Bridger's story from cover to cover and don't ruin it by jumping to the epilogue. I love Sawyer Bennett if you haven't guessed.
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Favorite Couples
◆ Low and Poe by Mary Elizabeth in LOW
◆ Rhyson and Kai by Kennedy Ryan in Soul Series
◆ Jack and Darcy by Katy Regnery in It's You
◆ Andrew and Amelia by Jessica Hawkins in The First Taste
Anything written in purple/blue is a hyperlink to a book or an author's page on Facebook. I love reading and reviewing books that I have loved and am thankful for all the love and the follows I've gotten this year.
Thank you so much,