Sunday, September 11, 2022

KU Review for Pen Pal by JT Geissinger

The first letter arrived the day my husband was buried. It was postmarked from the state penitentiary, and contained a single sentence:

I’ll wait forever if I have to.

It was signed by Dante, a man I didn’t know.

Out of simple curiosity, I wrote back to ask him what exactly he was waiting for. His reply?


I told the mystery man he had the wrong girl. He said he didn’t. I said we’d never met, but he said I was wrong.

We went back and forth, exchanging letters every week that grew increasingly more intimate. Then one day, the letters stopped. When I found out why, it was already too late.

Dante was at my doorstep.

And nothing on earth could have prepared me for what happened next.

"Even small dragons can still breathe fire."

Initial reaction: WOW!!!! This book blew my mind. It gave me goosebumps. It was just one of those books that took me on a journey - one that I couldn't even begin to fathom, but I couldn't let go because it was so engulfing. I told myself, "listen to the universe, what it tells you, what it's saying. Go with the flow. With the surroundings." It just made me think beyond my own conscious perspective of this world, and opened my eyes to JT's writing style and to the fact that I needed to read more by her. Immediately, preferred...

And then reality started to set in and after I posted about this book, and with it came all the comments (which I love!) and then the discussions (which I absolutely love!!) and it kind of made me rewrite my review. So let's go back to my original thoughts and then jump to my current thoughts. My thoughts on the book DID NOT CHANGE, nor did my rating. It just changed my discussion here

Original thoughts: 

I cannot recommend *enough* you go in as blind as you possibly can to full enjoy this to the fullest extent of what this storyline can do to you. Or for you. I will not ruin anything, I will not spoil anything, I will not even mention anything just in case you haven’t looked anything up. Just know that I went in as blind as possible and felt everything I feel the author originally intended. It was all based on organic discovery - and that's my favorite way to be introduced to a new-to-me author. Now, some of the sex scenes were a little beyond my comfort zone as they were not what I honestly enjoy reading – but they were super freaking hot and Aiden and Kayla were the definition of chemistry. I loved their instant attraction, and their security within each other's arms. I loved their love. I loved the way he loved her. I loved the way he made her feel.

The last 10% or so got a little - dare I say…cheesy? (Readers of this book will totally get that!) I felt a little put out about the cheesiness in some aspects, but I ended up closing the book with a huge smile on my face. It was super intense for the first 90% and I enjoyed it immensely. Was I hopping around, trying to explain everything to my husband at 88%? Yes. Yes, I was. Was I extremely proud of rolling with the storyline and being so excited when I got that far? Also yes! I freaking loved getting to the point of excitement with the outcome of the twist and it brought on the biggest smile. A new author making me avoid life for the two days it took me to read it? This was a fast paced read and one that had me turning the pages with eagerness. That may sound cheesy, but it's a perfect description of how I was feeling. 

I did get some movie type vibes from this book, just as she mentioned in her acknowledgments - but I feel like she put pen to paper in such an amazing way that it held my attention the ENTIRE time I read it. I seriously couldn’t put it down and am trying to remember when was the last time a book sucked me in like this?? I can’t say that enough - completely caught up. I wanted to read deep into the night - but 5am wake ups for kickboxing don’t agree with me staying up super late. HA! I was completely consumed by Kayla and Aiden and the entire plot of this book. The mystery. The love. The intensity. It was everything I needed as an introduction to Geissinger. I loved it!!!

I loooove when a book does this to me - I had to feel my way not only through a new voice, but a completely unknown circumstance as well. Some discovery was taken away from me in one aspect by another reader trying to warn me - but I’m not mad about it after reading this book. Did I want to discover that by myself? Most definitely, but looking back - all the clues started making their appearances, whether I knew or not. I would have started guessing anyway...but discovering any part of a book should always be organic for me. 

Soooo good for me. So good. Highly recommended for the journey I went on. I am loving ALL the messages I am getting from other readers that are going on the journey blind and it's making my little blogger heart so giddy. Thank you for including ME in YOUR journey.

"I want every fucking thing you have to give me, Kayla. And I want you to give it to me without hesitation. Without question. And without regret."


The varying opinions and emotions surrounding this book have provided many discussions, and quite a few arguments - from what I've personally witnessed. What I love is that it has allowed many to discuss it with intent and to explain their own thought processes (which is why I blog) and I have really enjoyed the polarity of the discussions. Not because I like to argue - because I do, but because I have enjoyed seeing what some people have thought and having that moment to absorb their understanding of this, whether I believe in it or not. But that's the beauty of a book discussion - the very reason I blog. I have stayed very confident in my beliefs on this book and they won't change - but the conversations have been very  enlightening. 

So, to be fair, I wasn't around for the lead-up of this book. I wasn't even present for any of the promo or touring, and I most definitely wasn't there for the hype beforehand since I had never read anything by JT. What I saw when I read this synopsis was something I *knew* I needed to read ASAP because I didn't want to come across any spoilers. SO, I set out to read it...

The biggest, boldest question about this being a romance is what is the most discussable argument I'm seeing come out of this. Why am I able to consider this a romance in MY world? Because I fell in love with Aiden and Kayla falling in love. I fell in love with their version of reality. I fell in love with them the entire time they were exploring one another. I’m not here to argue with anyone about the logistics of it being a HEA or a romance because that's someone else's emotions to decipher - not mine. To ME, this was. Because people fell in love and were together forever and ever, amen. That’s it. That’s all I needed. And contrary to what I've heard, nothing is graphic or "on the page" for gore. Again not fighting. Not arguing. I loved this. This worked so well for me. It is a brilliant version of a HEA for ME. But why? Because it told me a love story that showcased two people in love and being together forever. Literally, forever.

"I learned that love means nothing unless it's acted upon. Love isn't real without intent. It's a verb. It isn't passive. But most of all, love means sacrifice."

However, I can and do respect others' opinions and see why some people are having a problem with it. No disrespect meant to anyone's feelings, I’m just not one that needs trigger warnings and I don’t need my hand held for fear of anything upsetting me — so when I get a book like this that takes me on a crazy journey, one that I have never been on before, it makes me giddy. I read and understood and enjoyed her version of "not a typical HEA" and ran with it, full steam ahead - nothing holding me back. I'm tellin' ya, I loved it! I cannot wait to read more of her books if she can do this to me.

If I could give any bit of advice and you're up for an adventure, I'd recommend:
- Stop reading reviews.
- Stop looking for spoilers.
- Don’t plan anything - just pick this up, call out for dinner, and sit and absorb this journey, word for freaking word. I know I couldn't put it down and am forever grateful that I took a chance on JT's voice...finally.

Go. In. BLIND. (Or as blind as the internet will allow you nowadays.) I loved this book. I will be reading this author again - and very soon. I love the kind of book that stretches definitions like this one did because it makes me stop and think about so many variables. Thank you, JT!!! I'll be back!! 

Just remember, hindsight is always 20/20. Opinions belong to the person giving them, and you are free to agree or disagree. Respect is also something I fully and happily hand out for anyone that wants to discuss a book with me with an open mind, because opinions are what make this bookworld so fun, right? Right! Happy reading!!

"Pain is the cost of love. And the deeper your love goes, so too goes the pain. You can never have one without the other."

no giveaway for personal reads


J.T. Geissinger is a #1 international and Amazon Charts bestselling author of thirty novels. Ranging from funny, feisty romcoms to intense erotic thrillers, her books have sold over eight million copies worldwide and been translated into more than twenty languages.

She is a three-time finalist in both contemporary and paranormal romance for the RITA® Award, the highest distinction in romance fiction from the Romance Writers of America®. She is also a recipient of the Prism Award for Best First Book, the Golden Quill Award for Best Paranormal/Urban Fantasy, and the HOLT Medallion for Best Erotic Romance.



Any links on this page may be affiliate links and I may earn a commission if you purchase anything by clicking on them. You will not be charged anything extra. I use these links as a way to fund my book giveaways.

1 comment:

  1. Great review Bee! I loved this book and I also went in blind. I knew nothing about this book, all I was told was to go in blind and I'm so happy that I did. When it was all revealed it did that certain movie vibe but it didn't make me dislike the story at all. Like you, it captured my attention, it left me questioning what the heck was going and why and OMG the end. I was devastated and happy at the same time. Since you have not read JT prior to these books please read her back list, especially Midnight Valentine and Perfect Strangers.
