Saturday, March 26, 2022




The world took everything from us.

As survivors of not only a plane crash, but two other impossible tragedies, we’d more than earned a life of peace. But time and time again, we were shown that fate had no intention of giving that to us.

Remi and I were soulmates. Plain and simple. Our love should have died in the depths of our darkness, but the sun still exists even when it’s not shining.

The secrets of our past threatened to destroy us at every turn, but for Remi, I would never stop fighting for our future.

The world took everything from us.
And we would stop at nothing until we took it all back—forever.

"Over and over, we find each other. It's what we do, baby."

I am SO glad I talked myself into actually signing up for this series. As we allll knooooow, I loathe cliffhangers and definitely don't like waiting around for a series to finish - so, usually, I forgo them and generally miss out because going back to them doesn't always happen with my schedule. I know, I know...I miss out on more than I should but that's the price I pay for my sanity. HAHA!

Ok, so I am going to be as honest as I can be without giving away spoilers but by the time I got to 18% in this book, I was ready to throw my kindle out the window and order a hit on Remi. No lie, I was done with her. I was angry at her decisions. I was seething at her reactions. I couldn't reconcile my emotions with her actions. Now tell me how weird that is?? I am not sure I have ever really been in this predicament, but I was fairly sure I wanted to shake her while simultaneously strangling her. I had to have a serious one-on-one chat with myself because my misplaced anger for Remi wasn't fair, and I was well aware of that. I struggled because I saw how much she leaned on Bowen, but also how much she was pushing him away. I wanted to understand what her actions were supposed to benefit because I was not understanding any of it. Was it for her emotional wellbeing? Her mental wellbeing? I couldn't grasp it, but I knew I needed to take a step back because understanding Remi was the key to my enjoyment of this book. 

But, damn that Aly Martinez for making me come around and not only see where Remi was coming from, but also taking a step back and actually looking at the reasoning for what she did and the why of it. That is probably my favorite part about this entire trilogy. Nothing was what I would have done, but I'm boring - ooobviously, so seeing her bring me through this quagmire of emotions to really take a deep, long look at Remi's thoughts and her emotions was a BIG task: one of epic proportions. Miss Martinez nailed that wholly. 

"Our bodies had a conversation only our hearts could hear."

These two came together (literally? figuratively?) and they were explosive. Their connection was easily felt through their actions as well as their words. There was so much meaning in everything Bowen said to Remi, while causing me to swoon hard and (out loud, mind you) counsel Remi on what she needed to do. HAHAHA! I seriously went a little loony reading this book. Conversations with myself...out loud. But, I talked my way through this one with more than one smile. More than one sigh. More than one gasp. I loved the way Bowen loved Remi, and how he took care of her on so many different levels. He was most definitely my favorite part. He's the fighter we all love in our romances - truuussst meee.

MY truth: that soft ending felt almost mismatched with the opening angst and the emotional grip Bowen and Remi's story had on my heart initially. I was hurting for more. I got the predicted HEA ending I always crave and need for these types of stories to be good. But it almost felt....Hallmark'ish. (Eek!! I hate saying that, sorry!!) It fell together super easily and had the perfectly tied red bow on the end. I loved that, but I was missing some of the bang I thought was coming to play out in this finale. Basically, this final book started out with me immediately pissed…but, it just kinda fell together rather easily. I almost felt like it didn’t give me the “satisfaction” of fighting for a love that was FATE - if that makes sense - but it shouldn't make sense, because they did fight in the literary sense. It was fate. But, dear lord, they fought for their HEA. I am not taking away that truth because that would be disrespectful of me because that is not my complaint. Not in the least...
How can I complain about a beginning and an end to a book but still sit here and say I enjoyed it? I don't know, but like I said in the very beginning - Miss Martinez pushed me to the brink of my sanity while taking me on a journey, making me feel this story as it unfolded. So, not really complaining...but these things stuck out to me. Would I still recommend it? Whole-heartedly. It was a great journey and the original angst and buildup to their love story was my favorite part about it.

Overall, this was a book full of discoveries and an exploration worthy of the pages it graced. I definitely enjoyed this love story and easily recommend it.

"Two people do not love each other like you do for it to fail."

Start with the first book....

The world owes you nothing.

It took losing the woman I loved and facing the paralyzing task of moving on without her for me to truly understand that.

Consumed by regret and razor-sharp memories, I’d resigned myself to a life of loneliness until a survivor from the same plane crash that took my fiancée stormed into my life.

Remi Grey was chaos and sunshine, fire and freedom. With her in my arms, I began to believe that fate had other plans for me.

But as secrets of the past exploded around us, it seemed the only thing fated about our relationship was that I had been destined to lose her from the start.

The world owes you nothing. But for Remi, I would risk it all. No matter the cost.

and the second book...

The world gave me everything.

After surviving a plane crash, I was lucky to be alive. It was a harsh truth, but one that changed my perspective on how fragile life could be.

So when a fellow survivor caught my eye, I owed it to myself to take a chance and follow my heart.

Bowen Michaels was guarded and broody, but I saw through his well-formed armor. Much like me, he was broken and lost, but together we found our way through the darkness.

For a brief moment, wrapped in his arms, it felt like maybe he was right about fate and we’d been destined to find each other all along.

But when buried secrets of the past erupt, igniting us both, it was hard to believe we’d been fated for anything other than failure.

The world gave me everything.
And then it took it all away.


Born and raised in Savannah, Georgia, Aly Martinez is a stay-at-home mom to four crazy kids under the age of five- including a set of twins. Currently living in Chicago, she passes what little free time she has reading anything and everything she can get her hands on, preferably with a glass of wine at her side.
After some encouragement from her friends, Aly decided to add “Author” to her ever-growing list of job titles. So grab a glass of Chardonnay, or a bottle if you’re hanging out with Aly, and join her aboard the crazy train she calls life.




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  1. Love your review Bee. Finally it's complete. I just hope that I am ready for this after reading your review.
