Tuesday, January 25, 2022


They could’ve been perfect.
In another time. Another world.
Where his wasn’t falling apart.
And hers wasn’t already in pieces.

High school senior Holden Eastwood only has one fear in life: growing up.
He spends his days unmotivated, moving from one game to the next, searching for his next challenge.
He never expected that challenge to come in the form of a girl…
A girl with zero fashion sense, a filthy mouth, and a bullsh*t attitude.
Unlike Holden, Jameson Taylor had no choice but to grow up.
Neglected, isolated, and forced to raise herself, Jameson only has one goal in life: graduate and move on.
The last thing she needs is some guy she can’t stand suddenly declaring her as his new hobby.
Their lives couldn’t be more opposite.
Their pasts a complete paradox.

But in each other, they find the unexpected…

They find solace.

Fragments of forever…

A forever that might tear them to pieces.

“I loved you then,
I love you now,
and I’ve loved you every single day in between.”

Jameson Taylor is a nomad. A drifter. A memory collector.
Or, at least, that’s what’s become of her life ever since she was forced to leave pieces of her fractured heart behind.

“This is the fault in our fate, our one undoing:
All he’s ever wanted is my happiness,
even when it costs him his own.”

Holden Eastwood is resentful. Angry. But most of all, hurt.
Torn to pieces by the girl who left him, he struggles to find forgiveness in the organ she once broke.

When a tragedy forces them to face the aftermath, Jamie seeks acceptance, while Holden searches for answers.
What they find, instead, are remnants of their love.
Fragments of forever.
And parts of a puzzle that will lead them to the truth…
A truth that might shatter them to pieces.

"My breath halts, and I realize now...I have no fucking clue who the girl sitting in front of me is."

I know...I know. Another glowing, lovey-dovey, mushy review for Jay McLean YET AGAIN. Well, if she would just stop writing angsty, stomach-clenching, toe-curling, amazing YA books that melt my heart, I wouldn't be forced to write these ooey-gooey gross reviews, but here I am. We'll blame her.

*sigh* I am in love with yet another couple from McLean's books. I love love love how she writes them and gives me characters that I can relate to, storylines that anger me but simultaneously smooth me over, and a love worth shouting about. And shouting I did!!! Holy moly!! Did I ever...

I think my favorite things about her writing is that not only does she make me feel like I'm part of her characters' world, living their emotions and working my way through everyday normal situations that are a little more heightened just because it's a teenager going through it - but McLean puts me in their heart; in their mind. It’s the fact that I can remember those emotions because her words bring me back and reminded me of what I was feeling when I went through it. I suppose it's the ease in which she brings it out of me is what truly amazes me. 

I felt every emotion on multiple occasions throughout. I loved the pangs I felt. The pain I felt. The elation I felt. I felt it all and was so thankful for another heavy, gut-punch of a read. I did, however, want to yell at Jameson to say "Peace the f*ck out!!!" quite a few times. I don't know how she did it, but she did. She’s a much better person than me because I hold grudges. Loudly. How she had the space in her heart for the forgiveness she bestowed upon those unworthy of her heart, I will never, ever know, but I certainly admired her for it. I'm still shaking my head but I admire her.

I will say this much: I did not make it through this book with a willing smile. There were so many points in this duet that I wanted to give up. I wanted to put my kindle down and seriously walk around while screaming at Holden!!! Mind you, I fell in love with him in Leo's book and knew I wanted his story. He was a cocky, very confident high schooler - the kind with the eyes that dance and the smirk that melts hearts. He wasn't mean - but he was a smartass. Sarcastic and cocky, providing all the smiles - perfectly sums him up. I knew he was a ladies man, always hittin' and quittin' it. But, I was straight up shocked with everything that happened in this duet - BUT, I also understood the WHY of it coming from a teenaged point of view!! Argh!! Damn you, Jay! Soooooo good. Sooooo grrrrr, but so good. This is definitely one of those stories to be discussed multiple times, with multiple people. Opinions will vary, but this emotion will not - EXASPERATING. 

McLean made me aaaaaangry but expertly slid in some very valid reasons to understand all the happenings - not drama, but rationalizing everything with truth. She forced me to take a step back and analyze the WHY. All this while leaving room for me to mull over my emotions with purpose. My heart definitely hurt reading this one. Even though there was so much pain within the confines of their journey to happiness, the comedic relief was sprinkled in juuust right - enough to make me yearn for more of Jameson and Holden growing together. Their exploration alone was what heart-eyes and smiles are made of. 

“I’m pretty sure the first word out of my mouth was shit, and I sure as fuck didn’t get it from Sesame Street.”

Jameson and Holden held my heart (until the verrrrrry end) and I don’t know how anyone could’ve withstood or handled that cliffhanger after the first book and not died 100 separate deaths waiting for this conclusion!! I know, I'm whining. Coming from a professional cliffhanger aversionist, even I had a hard time waiting to jump into this first book - but. I'm. so. glad. I. did. It was an intricate web of pain and sorrow, mixed with heartache and love. It also redefined the definition of family and the truest meaning of it. My heart was so heavy, but oh so happy.

Embarrassing fact: I don’t know why a volatile exchange with pent up lust leading to sex is my kryptonite - but it is. Not a hate f*ck, but an actual explosion of raw emotion that pushes them to do something they don’t (in theory) want to do, but HAVE to...NEED to do because they're done fighting it. That’s Holden and Jamie. That’s what I loved seeing. Button pushing, anger revealing lust. I ate that up!!! It was deeeeelishus.

I honestly think my only gripe was that I don’t feel like I got closure out of the quick acceptance of the apology and so it felt a little rushed or unreal/untrue. I know, I know - "This isn't your story, Bee." {{insert eye roll}} I knooooow. But, I felt I could relate to a lot of the story emotion-wise and life-wise, so I definitely connected on a more intimate level with it - which is probably why I had such a hard time accepting the quick resolution. But if that's my only complaint....? I shan't complain.

This was an emotional book. A wake up call for three. I loved how McLean incorporated Holden's world with Mia into his universe with Jameson. Relationships that have and will continue to withstand the tests of time. And my most favorite part of this book: I loved finding out the reality behind the title. I love when I am finishing up a book an aha! moment catches me because the title makes perfect sense after it's all said and done. 

“Either she knows exactly who she is and what she’s doing, or I’m way, way off my game.“

Jay McLean is an international best-selling author and full-time reader, writer of New Adult Romance, and most of all, procrastinator. When she’s not doing any of those things, she can be found running after her two little boys, playing house and binge watching Netflix.
She writes what she loves to read, which are books that can make her laugh, make her hurt and make her feel.

Jay lives in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, in a forever half-done home where music is loud and laughter is louder.





  1. Both books sound soo good!! Thanks for sharing your review, makes me want to read the books even more

  2. LOVE YOUR REVIEW BEE!!! Once again you got me so excited to read a book/duet I have been wanting to read but afraid if I can survive it. Like you, I also fell in love with Holden in Leo and wanted to read his HEA very badly. Jay is and will always be a favorite of mine and I trust her with my heart. I know I will be devastated reading this. But I know I will be okay because it's Jay's book and I know you will be there with me holding my hand til the end.
