Friday, October 29, 2021

Book Review and Giveaway for JUST LIKE HEAVEN by Trilina Pucci


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If only I could’ve convinced my heart.

We were gorgeously young and desperate for one another.

His lips whispered promises of all the stars in the sky. While I dreamt of a love that would last forever.

But we’re star-crossed.
Fate had decided our course.
Leaving us to cling to each other as we crumbled to ash.

His need became possession.
My innocence turned jaded.
Our families declared war.
All that remained was hate.

But Calder was raised by wolves. The rules didn’t apply. I was his until he said otherwise—for better or for worse.

Our love story’s bathed in crimson and drenched in bullets.
Because sometimes, Romeo comes with tattoos, guns, and a taste for blood.

REVIEW: HEAVEN SENT....5 Stars....WOW. Thank you?
"She tastes like regret, but I'm happy to suffer through it because I've never felt a bigger high."

This book defines the very understanding of forbidden…. In the heart. In love. In morals. Everything. And oh so worthy of your time, should you set out to read it. 

So - to be frank, do you remember being young and feeling that first butterfly? That first kiss? What about those first goosebumps when "He" touches your hand with that look in his eyes? Yeah? Well, Trilina Pucci captured all that in words and threw them into this book in the form of feelings. I cannot begin to spell out all the ways that she tripped my heart UP.


But I digress. 

I always question the storyline of a hard-ass falling in love and how it's going to be told to show they actually have a beating heart but are not some wimpy man. I want that cold-hearted man that will still do anything for his woman without a care for the consequences, but that soft spot is an unrealized weakness that he works with. However, because I love this trope, I’m a glutton for punishment - so when an author can humanize anger and love so perfectly in one character through their word choice, that’s a moment of pause for me. Calder is that. He is every single bit of THAT. He has a soft spot for Sutton, but he doesn't turn against his way of life - he uses it to benefit them both. He knows he is the bad to her good and I love that it drives him. I ate him up. I soaked him in. I reveled in his persona and I didn't want to walk away. He is the epitome of the book boyfriend. You know that need - the one that makes you scream inside and get physically tense? That’s what Calder made me feel like he made Sutton feel. Make sense??

I sometimes find it difficult to be in a teenage girl's head. It's arguably monotonous at times, or I want to shake them, or I want to scream at the misplaced drama that has been added for story building purposes - especially when it's always at the expense of the young, immature heroine and she's made to look like an idiot. (Can we get away from that? Kthxbye #SorryNotSorry) But being in Suttons head, listening to her talk about her surroundings and what was going on was not annoying — for a change. She was a real teenager....bad decisions and all, yet they were all fitting for that age of thinking. I actually enjoyed her character, the way she handled things, and the way she carried herself. She was a very strong character, and one that I easily enjoyed.  I love to see a strong, well-written young heroine that has the truth of "teenaged wisdom" pushing her, but the innocence of a young girl that just wants to explore and fall in love. I loved her character. Very worthy of conversations. 

I love that something so inconsequential to someone on a normal day is so moving/intense/eye-opening in someone else’s eyes. I feel like the temper was set, the emotion was poured, the world was mastered - Miss Pucci gave me so many scenarios to wander through and experience through Sutton and Calder's eyes that I felt alive in this world she were sharing with me. I absolutely LOVED it. I will be thinking about them for a long time to come...

Miss Pucci set the scenes effortlessly. She is fluid in her descriptions and the pacing is perfect as the story unfolds, to the point I was completely caught up and loving each moment as I took this journey with Sutton and Calder. I loved the way she stamped my mental visual with cues about the surroundings and happenings. It was such an easy book to “see” and feel. She’s really the why not in YA for me. I’m usually not a typical YA reader or the targeted audience, but there are a few authors I’ll read time and time again, and Miss Pucci is at the top of that list for me.

Calder and Sutton have solidified themselves as one of my favorite couples for the year. This book also showed me more of the growth and strength in Pucci's writing. I have been reading her consistently for a few years now, so seeing the progression of her delivery is such a win for me. A HUGE win for me and I feel like I'm benefitting from all of it!

"I stupidly thought we'd never see each other again, but here he is - the walking definition of sin."

My breakdown:
She gives me those butterflies.
She makes my heart race.
She shows me what a first crush feels like.
Her stories are an experience each time and I LOVE them.

Aaaand the first chapter in Calder’s POV will probably be my all time favorite…. So totally sigh- worthy. I'll leave that there so when you finally get to experience that little gem of perfection, I want all your smiles in a message - P L E A S E. It was so delicious.

This YA novel made me remember the butterflies of a first love and the pull of forbidden, with the unmistakable desire that you can’t brush off. It was chock full of all those angsty, good, young-love feelings with the perfect storm of obstacles to stop them, while making Sutton and Calder fight for the love they were chasing. Because why in the hell else would I want to keep my heart intact....why?? Because I think Miss Pucci might be so kind to put it back together? Let's certainly hope so!! With Sinning Like Hell coming in November, my anxiety will stay ratcheted up contemplating all the possibilities of Sutton and Calder's love story. Miss Pucci is killing me slowly. There’s only so long I can hold my breath from page to page, but I’m getting good at it….

"You're my purpose. My only reason for breathing."

We’ll never run away.

There won’t be stars or a blue sky filled with heaven staring down on us.

All we have is death and destruction.

A life sentence, forced to survive within the absence of our love.
Until five years later.

“Death isn’t waiting for Calder—it’s listening for his instruction.”


It all started when…

Trilina decided, 3 years ago, that between making grilled cheese sandwiches and running carpool she was going to write saucy novels for readers to titillate and excite them. She hasn't slowed down since!

Trilina has always had a love of writing; as a child she would journal and typically change the ending of whatever she was writing to suit her daydream. A knack for storytelling has translated into her debut, as an author, being met with rave reviews.

She lives in California where she multitasks the roles of wifey, mama and author. She hopes you enjoy her words and keep coming back for more!

Read Sexy, Stay Sexy!

xoxo, Trilina





  1. Love Calder������

  2. I LOVE your review Bee!!! I have always been a fan of YA. Reading your review got me so excited to dive in even with the cliffie. I can't wait to read and chat with you.

  3. Love your review!
    Can't wait to read this!

  4. *rubs hands on glee* Bring it on! I’m so ready to devour this duet! Another great review Bee!
