There are only two reasons a man falls to his knees: prayer and pussy.
And I sure as hell don’t pray.
But for this woman, I’d fall on my knees to worship every single, gorgeous part of her body.
And claim her as mine, knowing I shouldn’t want to keep her.
Because we’re all wrong, too complicated, too explosive….too sinful. I want what I can’t have.
But I’ll take it anyway because Gretchen Andrews has done the one thing my wife never could….she’s made me love her.
"I hear what you mean, Luca, not just what you say."
I am in love with Luca's tongue. Get your mind out of the gutter!!! I'm just saying I loved the way he used his words as foreplay, and the way he gave me goosebumps. When a man can seductively whisper in your ear, making you flush and go weak in the knees, that's a man with some honest sex appeal. *bites knuckles* OMGosh, did this one push all the right buttons! Worship was billed as taboo with a hot, brooding Alpha, and while I didn't find anything taboo about it, I can't say that about the rest of the description. Luca was one super broody man with the sexiest tongue I've ever read, and add to that the tendencies I love to read in a true alpha character - we have a winner! But his predatory nature?? Holy crap, that was HOT. He told, he didn't ask....he was all sorts of right for me. I knew he was my favorite brother after reading TRUTH, but I didn't realize how much I was going to love him until this book. Snarky asshole. I loved him. HAHAHAHA!!
What I loved most about this book is that even though it took me longer to read than normal, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I didn't want to stop reading it when life called...and that sticks out a lot to me. When a book invades my thoughts, it makes me that much more apt to recommend it and smile while chatting about it, because you know I love to do that. The way Trilina put in these little nuances that made Luca and Gretchen their own characters, and the deeper meaning to their relationship - it was perfect. They didn't have an easy path to maneuver, which added more depth to their story. I loved seeing them grow. I enjoyed their buildup and the lengths in which they went through to get their HEA. I am, for all intents and purposes, NOT a mafia reader so it still shocks me that I am reading and loving a storyline that has that as background action. Not that I don't like them, it's just that I haven't been drawn to them. I really feel like this one had the perfect balance of drama and pleasure. Some of the drama, rather the business side, was brought to the forefront and some it was off page, and that added a nice complimenting dynamic to the drama of their relationship.
"I know she hates that she wants this as bad as I do, but she never had a choice. I wasn't giving her one."
There is nothing more pleasing than a strong character knowing their true weakness is the love they hold for their soul mate, but also the ability to know when to walk away and when to fight for it. The kind of love that makes them powerless to say no, the inability to walk away or to turn their back on each other, even when things go awry. There was a gritty push and pull to Luca and Gretchen's relationship and I was able to feel their needs and desires, but I was also able to empathize with each one of them individually in regards to their own frustrations. I can honestly say that I love alpha assholes, and I love a strong heroine who is not too stubborn or stupid with her decisions. Trilina nailed these characters, in that aspect. Luca knew who he was, but he also knew who he was with Gretchen. He was a badass, but again, he knew his weakness as well. I loved that part. Absolutely loved it. I think Gretchen's strength was also her weakness and that was a great dynamic to read as well. I love a woman so confident, she knows when to give in and it's not her being weak. So very HOT. They both were, and I am in love with their story.
Talk about leading me farther into temptation with this series! It has five more stories coming up. I know that I am anxiously awaiting at least two more stories because of how she ended this one!! I will say this much....the wait for the next book, which comes in July, is sweetened by knowing it will be Dante's. I cannot wait for that brut to fall down HARD. I'm obviously looking forward to more in this series, but I'm excited to hear what else Trilina will be bringing us in the meantime and after.
This book is billed as the second interconnected standalone in the series. I normally do not ever recommend reading out of order because I'm personally a stickler for order and progression of a storyline, but you can actually take her word for it. I appreciate the fact that this one is technically a standalone and told in a way that did not ruin anything from the first book, nor did she leave us out of any of the necessary buildup for this story. So thankful!! That's not always the case and I'm so glad it played out the way it did. BONUS: no cliffhangers!!!!
I'll leave it at this: for the record, never have I ever wanted to hear an audio book as much as I do this one. The Italian that was spoken in this book was already romantic to read, but I can only imagine hearing it spoken will up the sexiness factor of the love affair I just got to read. Next level stuff right there. Oh my, the thought of it alone makes me smile....
"It's like she allows me to see all the parts of her that she keeps for herself, the ones that are hidden and real.
It all started when…
Trilina decided, 3 years ago, that between making grilled cheese sandwiches and running carpool she was going to write saucy novels for readers to titillate and excite them. She hasn't slowed down since!
Trilina has always had a love of writing; as a child she would journal and typically change the ending of whatever she was writing to suit her daydream. A knack for storytelling has translated into her debut, as an author, being met with rave reviews.
She lives in California where she multitasks the roles of wifey, mama and author. She hopes you enjoy her words and keep coming back for more!
Read Sexy, Stay Sexy!
xoxo, Trilina
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