Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Book Review and Giveaway for For Emery by J Nathan

I’ve loved Jordan Grady since I was eight. 
Since he became my protector.
Since he became my safe haven each night. 
But I was younger.
Off limits...
Until high school when he finally kissed me. 
And for a few fleeting moments, everything was right in the world. 
Then I was forced to do the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do...
Disappear from his life without a trace.

I’m Alabama’s star right tackle—and a real prick. 
I live my life by a few solid truths.
Life isn’t fair.
Don’t let anyone get too close.
And those who claim to care about you can up and leave. 
But you know what they say about things that disappear...
But Emery Pruitt had never been mine.
Even if she had returned after four years.
And more beautiful than the night she vanished.
But it didn’t erase the fact that she’d left me.
So, why find me now?

"I think down deep, even when I couldn't have you, I wanted you."

I'm still smiling!! Totally smiling, because this is the kind of book I love to jump into in between heavier reads, and knowing I have a great story with a guarantee of a goofy grin coming my way makes it that much better. I first read J Nathan back in February 2017 and knew immediately that I needed to follow this series. I enjoyed her writing style and stories a lot, and the best part of this series is that they are complete standalones.

We met Grady in a previous book in the series, but there are absolutely zero spoilers by reading this series in any order. The crossover is circumstance, at best. I love the basis for this entire series, all being centered around couples in college finding their true love while overcoming issues. True love is always fun when it's young, it's real, and the excitement of first kisses loom with butterflies swirling. Completely smile worthy the way Nathan writes these stories. Emery and Grady's story wasn't always an easy one, but their love was always the easy parts of the story. Drawn together with an incredible connection rooted in childhood, these two had an unshakeable bond that got them through quite a bit of well as a multitude of firsts they only got to share with each other. I just couldn't help but smile with everything they went through, the good and the bad. No, I'm not heartless but I think that the hard times were definitely out-shined by the love that was blossoming. J Nathan writes a young love so well and she appeals to the hidden 'softie' in me.

As heavy as the dialogue and the storyline was, there was a lightness to it that I could definitely appreciate. I love heavy, real, tragic emotions in a book with a love that overcomes anything, but the style in which J Nathan writes, it lends an easier cadence and with that comes a lighter feel to it. I loved the giddiness, the smiles, the elation I got when things were going their way. The pain and the tragedy was there, but I loved that while it was the trajectory for their story, it wasn't the main focus or a downer for it either. It was just a really great read with smiles aplenty.

"What are you really doing here?"
"Just stalking you."

I love when I am able to read a book and settle in immediately, whether it be with a gasp or a smile. Emery's plight immediately draws you in, and it's not an easy one, but with Grady's strength in his sarcasm, as well his friendship, these two have the makings for a worthy story. This book had an element to it that is not my normal go-to style, but Nathan always makes it worth my time. It was wholesome, clean....and good fun. It was light in the storyline, but definitely one to make you smile and catch your heart. Again, this book had a heavy reality and not one to be made light of, but I feel that J Nathan did it justice by focusing on the good while working through the evil. I can easily, easily recommend this entire series.

"You wouldn't think I was a gentleman if you could hear what I'm thinking right now."



You can grab the entire series HERE


J. Nathan is the author of the new adult romances For Finlay, Before Hadley, Until Alex, and Since Drew. When she's not writing, she's a total romance junkie! Add an alpha male who's unlikable in the beginning... even better. Happy endings are a must. Love triangles and negative people are the bane of her existence. Her family, friends, guys in backwards hats, and watermelon margaritas are the light…




  1. Great review Bee! I love this book so much!! I'm happy you loved it too.

  2. Fabulous review and you've got me very intrigued
