Friday, September 7, 2018

Book Review and Giveaway for Timid by Devney Perry


Willa Doon has always been shy. Her quiet demeanor was something she’s always embraced. That is, until Jackson Page moves to town. The one man she desperately wants to take notice struggles to remember her name.

Year after year, Willa stands by, watching as the bartender slash playboy drowns his demons in beer and sex. Then one night, he shows up at her door, suddenly aware that the girl he’s seen around Lark Cove is now a beautiful woman.

Except what he doesn’t remember is that this visit isn’t his first. They spent a night together once before. A night he’s forgotten, thanks to a bottle of tequila.

A night that crushed a timid girl’s heart, and set a broken man on the path to heal them both.

"I was her dream and she was mine."

After reading Tattered and loving it, I was doubly excited for Timid because I just knew that Willa and Jackson had a story to tell. I loved how Perry wove the first book into this one, because their stories happened simultaneously, so it was a nice overlap, but she didn't do it too much that it made me feel like the narrative was on repeat. A peek into Logan and Thea's world and what was going on with Charlie was definitely a bonus for me. I loved visiting with them throughout the book.

Willa was a very independent, but also very shy young lady that didn't necessarily have a bold bone in her body. She went with the flow and was very easy-going. But if you looked deep within, there was a certain strength to her insecurity and her innocence had a sort of...sass to it. So, mix some shyness with some sassy and you have Willa. However, at times she almost felt like the had the emotional level of a very self conscious 15 year old girl while having the structure and mentality of a very organized businesswoman. I had a hard time reconciling those two personalities in the beginning, but she grew on me. It didn't bother me that she was shy or timid (I'm so going to say that a million times because that's the perfect word for her), because growing up in Lark Cove, she really was the true definition of a small town girl. She was very naïve in some ways and that added to the purity of her innocence, but it also made me <sigh> a few times knowing that as a grown adult, that's not how I would have handled things. But again, knowing she was a timid, sweet gal in a very small town, it worked for her.

Jackson was portrayed one way, but his inner demons showed another side to him. I liked the complexity of his character and the way he had to work through his self-doubt, but I also wanted to shake him and ask him why he thought 'that' way!! I really liked seeing him finally realize who Willa was and subsequently falling for her. He had some twists thrown at him, and nothing I would have ever guessed, but with a little (read: A LOT) of help from Willa, seeing his character grow was definitely the reward in this book. His struggles were honestly the most heartfelt part about the book for me.

While Jackson and Willa had a worthy story to tell, it took a long while for me to settle into it, and that made me quite sad. It was rather odd for me because I was easily enjoying the story, but something just wasn't clicking for me. It took me until right around the 70% mark to actually settle in. I want to stress the fact that I enjoyed the book very much, but I wasn't immediately enamored with it. I guess this one was just a little more on the slower and sweeter side for me than I had anticipated. All in all, this was a very sweet story of where there's a will, there's a way. Love was going to find a way amongst all the torment and preconceived notions a certain someone held.

Admittedly, this wasn't my favorite book of hers that I've read, but I still enjoyed it overall. I would like to add that she is a brilliant closer. She can tell a story and close it beautifully.

"It was just her and me. Just us."

AMAZON     iBOOKS     B&N     KOBO


Devney is a USA Today bestselling author who lives in Montana with her husband and two children. After working in the technology industry for nearly a decade, she abandoned conference calls and project schedules to enjoy a slower pace at home with her kids. She loves reading and, after consuming hundreds of books, decided to share her own stories.

Visit Devney's website to sign up for her newsletters and learn more about upcoming books.





  1. Love your review Bee! Thanks for your honesty. I'm excited to read! You got me intrigued with your rating.
