Monday, June 18, 2018

Book Review and Giveaway for Rough Edge by CD Reiss


"Unzip that dress before I shred it."
I married a decent man.

A rock solid, arrogant war hero who knows exactly who he is and what he wants.

He wants me, and I'm all his.

But he's becoming a different man. He's my husband, but he's not the man I married.

He's intense. Dominant. Possessive. 

He takes me like a king, giving me pain and pleasure in a single dose.

Every day, he shifts a little further from decent and closer to dangerous-and even still, I'm not sure I want the man I married to come back.

"The tricky part was explaining things to her as the man she'd married, not the monster I was."

WHAT DID I JUST READ!!? Ok, first off, I was cautioned that this was a 'different' and heavy subject kind of read. In all actuality, after reading this book, I now know what they meant, but it wasn't a concern I needed to heed. Now, that may not be the same for everyone and the warning is there for a reason, I will say that much...but it just wasn't necessary for me. I like these kinds of mentally taxing reads, and the heavier, the better, but it has to have substance to it's heavy. This one most definitely had some substance! Holy cow, bear with me. I am going to try to put my thoughts into words since you can't see me sitting here wide-eyed and slack-jawed, shaking my head. I don't even know how I am going to explain this without giving away the basis of my very limited understanding of the world I just dipped my toes into!!

I AM HOOKED!!! In a sea of raving reviews, I know I won't stick out for saying anything different, but this book caught me by surprise. The synopsis was enticing and it made me really want to read it something fierce. I love a good complex storyline that makes me get caught up in everything that is going on. This one did exactly that. This one completely messed with my mind. Completely. With amazing characters leading the charge in this ever-changing, constantly moving, mind-numbing read, the story just moved and shifted while I became more and more committed to them. Greyson was an amazing woman and wife, professionally and emotionally. The exact person Caden needed in his corner to go through "this" with. I loved the way her mind worked, and how strong she was for not only Caden, but herself as well. She is definitely an admirable woman. Caden was a lucky man with a smooth soul and a pure heart, but he had a very coarse, yet passionate side. There was such an unexplainable, murky side to him that I couldn't quite put my finger on. He was the kind of man that you could easily fall in love with, all the while shying away in fear of his next move because he was a complex, multi-dimensional character in every sense of the word. But I loved him so much. Gosh, did I ever. There was such an exquisite honesty to his love and devotion to Greyson. I am completely caught up in their love and their world.

"I loved her so much, I wanted to marry her every single day for the rest of my life."

These characters were perfectly matched for one another and they complimented each other rather well in and out of the bedroom. Why is that important? Well, it should be noted because as you can see in that synopsis, their lives are changing and it's soooo intriguing wading through it all with them, but it's also painful to watch as it all swirls around them with the answers just out of their reach. This book seriously held me hostage. I hate using that generic line....I really do, but I don't have any other way to say I was completely engrossed and couldn't put the book down and have you understand that I seriously could.not.walk.away. It read really quickly, and it's not a long book, but the whirlwind of emotions surrounding the very difficult things they were dealing with were so neat to read through.

There is so much more going on "underneath" the story in the background. I know that sounds weird, but it's like a whole other storyline is spinning while we are watching this couple that is undeniably in love, live their daily lives with a brewing intensity that is unexplainable in so many ways, yet completely fascinating at the same time! There was SO much information coming at me, I almost felt lost a few times. Not in the "I can't follow the story" lost, but my head was spinning with all the information I was trying to catch. I found myself making mental notes for all the potential clues she dropped along the way, but I am also aware that I will inevitably miss things. There was such a slow, meticulous leak of information rolling out that I feel like I had to pay extra special attention to every little nuance as it happened. I will say I am pleasantly confused as of right now. HAHAHA!! I am so intrigued!!! My mind is on repeat with everything I just read.

With so much unfolding, so much happening in every corner of this book, confusion thrived in my mind while I was trying to figure things out. I know I should've just let it play out and held on for the ride, but my thoughts were running 100 mph while I read it. I felt like I was mentally pacing in anticipation while awaiting the rush of more words in yet another chapter. I felt like an addict craving more and more.

Since this is a four part series with a prequel, I know that it will deliver answers slowly, but I feel like after reading this story, it's going to be a rich one with a lot of depth and loopholes. There is absolutely no way I can possibly review it completely without giving something away, so I have to be very careful what I say. Welcome to my ramblings...come inside my head, get cozy and hold on.

"We doubt what we're gifted with."


(FREE and can be read anytime before book 3)
My review on Goodreads

CD Reiss is a New York Times bestselling author. She still has to chop wood and carry water, which was buried in the fine print. Her lawyer is working it out with God but in the meantime, if you call and she doesn't pick up she's at the well hauling buckets.

Born in New York City, she moved to Hollywood, California to get her master's degree in screenwriting from USC. In case you want to know, that went nowhere but it did give her a big enough ego to write novels.

She's frequently referred to as the Shakespeare of Smut which is flattering but hasn't ever gotten her out of chopping that cord of wood.

If you meet her in person, you should call her Christine.




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