I'll be there.
Through thick and thin.
Ride or die.
You can count on me.
The promises people make.
The vows we take.
Assumptions of the heart.
Emotion tells us how we feel, but life...life has a way of plunging us in boiling water, burning away our illusions, testing our faith, trying our convictions.
Love floating is a butterfly, but love tested is an anchor.
For Grip and Bristol,
Love started at the top of the world
On a Ferris wheel under the stars
But when that love is tested, will they fly or fall?
REVIEW: Why? How? How can I limit the stars on this one....?
"Emotion tells you about love, but hard times prove it."
That opening quote is probably the most perfect quote for this book, for this series. First and foremost, this has to be one of my most highlighted books I have ever read. And now comes my admission: I CRIED. Ok? I know!! I get to add another book to my very short list of books I've openly cried at while reading. Tearing up....that's a big step, but actually crying is usually an impossible feat. This story was masterfully choreographed and beautifully written. I love that Kennedy was able to infuse witty commentary, giggle worthy moments, and a love that was destined to be, all within the confines of a book that discussed the very real subjects that this one did. Her words have always touched me, but this one was on a whole new level. I've read and enjoyed every single one of her books, but this series is my favorite of hers. Sorry Rhys and Kai!!
I have always said a book should be effortless to read, and the writing should just flow. I’ve never had to reread passages, or try to figure out what’s going on with Kennedy's writing. She has a very natural ability to her storytelling and she oozes sexiness with her words and descriptions. Her stories infiltrate your mind as well as your heart. Grip and Bristol's love crosses every social, political, racial, anything, bias out there, and she did it with respect and responsibility. Their love motivates them. Their love comforts them. Their love nurtures them. Their love propels them.
“I have to ask myself when I come home, do I want someone who completely understands the struggle? Or someone who completely understands me? Someone I can’t wait to come home to, someone who makes me laugh on the hardest days of my life? Every single decision isn’t filtered through my race. Love isn’t.”
And yes, it's done with LOVE. Love is the number one factor behind this entire story, and rightfully so. Her characters were rich in depth, morals, and values. The magnitude of their love is unparalleled to any love I’ve ever read. EVER. This story was an emotional gut punch from beginning to end, and the depth of their love was tested on all fronts. It was amazing. It was deep. It was powerful. I won't forget this love.
"I'm as sure of her as I am that every single night the moon will show up, the stars will shine down, and hours later, the sun will rise again."
This isn't the kind of book you rush through. It's the kind of book you feel from the beginning to the end. The kind you can put down and mull over. The kind you can daydream about and sigh over, and then pick it back up and start at it again. It's such a moving experience. While I would love to say it's Grip and Bristol's love that moved me beyond explanation, I would be lying if I didn't outright just say it was because of Kennedy's writing. This was an eye opening book, but it was the most amazing love story. Having said that, one thing I know without a shadow of a doubt is that Grip is the MAN. He treats his woman with dignity and respect, he gives her the love she deserves and commands, and he isn’t afraid to show it. He is out loud and proud of his love for Bristol. The one who single handedly owns his heart. He is the man.
"I don't know if it's mine or if it's hers, but this moment, this perfect glass-blown moment where our bodies unite and our souls intersect, this moment belongs to us."
That opening quote is probably the most perfect quote for this book, for this series. First and foremost, this has to be one of my most highlighted books I have ever read. And now comes my admission: I CRIED. Ok? I know!! I get to add another book to my very short list of books I've openly cried at while reading. Tearing up....that's a big step, but actually crying is usually an impossible feat. This story was masterfully choreographed and beautifully written. I love that Kennedy was able to infuse witty commentary, giggle worthy moments, and a love that was destined to be, all within the confines of a book that discussed the very real subjects that this one did. Her words have always touched me, but this one was on a whole new level. I've read and enjoyed every single one of her books, but this series is my favorite of hers. Sorry Rhys and Kai!!
I have always said a book should be effortless to read, and the writing should just flow. I’ve never had to reread passages, or try to figure out what’s going on with Kennedy's writing. She has a very natural ability to her storytelling and she oozes sexiness with her words and descriptions. Her stories infiltrate your mind as well as your heart. Grip and Bristol's love crosses every social, political, racial, anything, bias out there, and she did it with respect and responsibility. Their love motivates them. Their love comforts them. Their love nurtures them. Their love propels them.
“I have to ask myself when I come home, do I want someone who completely understands the struggle? Or someone who completely understands me? Someone I can’t wait to come home to, someone who makes me laugh on the hardest days of my life? Every single decision isn’t filtered through my race. Love isn’t.”
And yes, it's done with LOVE. Love is the number one factor behind this entire story, and rightfully so. Her characters were rich in depth, morals, and values. The magnitude of their love is unparalleled to any love I’ve ever read. EVER. This story was an emotional gut punch from beginning to end, and the depth of their love was tested on all fronts. It was amazing. It was deep. It was powerful. I won't forget this love.
"I'm as sure of her as I am that every single night the moon will show up, the stars will shine down, and hours later, the sun will rise again."
This isn't the kind of book you rush through. It's the kind of book you feel from the beginning to the end. The kind you can put down and mull over. The kind you can daydream about and sigh over, and then pick it back up and start at it again. It's such a moving experience. While I would love to say it's Grip and Bristol's love that moved me beyond explanation, I would be lying if I didn't outright just say it was because of Kennedy's writing. This was an eye opening book, but it was the most amazing love story. Having said that, one thing I know without a shadow of a doubt is that Grip is the MAN. He treats his woman with dignity and respect, he gives her the love she deserves and commands, and he isn’t afraid to show it. He is out loud and proud of his love for Bristol. The one who single handedly owns his heart. He is the man.
"I don't know if it's mine or if it's hers, but this moment, this perfect glass-blown moment where our bodies unite and our souls intersect, this moment belongs to us."
I wish I could say "it goes without saying", and I'm not sure I can, but writing a sequel, not even a required one, but a new conclusion to a finished story that raced through the book world on a high because of the necessary discussion, Kennedy did it again. She is nothing short of brilliant with her words. I'm sure that has to be a daunting task to pick up and try to make this one just as good, if not better than the first, and she did just that. She really did. She gave us, her loyal readers, another amazing experience. A moving experience. A love like Grip and Bristol's is a once in a lifetime love...and we got to experience it again.
I don’t like ‘in your face politics’. I don’t like to be force fed opinions. I like when they are respectfully delivered and socially responsible with our current climate. I like the way Kennedy delivered this one. She was a voice of reason in a tumultuous territory that can read 'either/or', but not always 'and'. She included everything and everyone. I may be uneducated in many ways, but I do know how I felt while reading this one, and I felt empowered and understood the discussion at hand. Kennedy did this all while delivering an incredible love story....with precision and class.
Kennedy is going to ruin me for the next few books I have to read, I just know it!! I want to hate her and love her all in the same breath. If 5 stars are a reflection of greatness, this deserves the galaxy. Kennedy, YOU are what makes the book world IT for me. The depth your words give. The feelings your stories evoke. Their love is the definition of perfection, and you just redefined it.
I openly admit I have 'performance anxiety' when it comes to my review. I feel sad knowing that I’ll never ever be able to fully explain the magnitude of the impact that this book had on me and my emotions, and my review will never live up to the justice she has done for such a deep topic. But I rest easy knowing that I have read it. I have felt it. I have loved it. I have shared it. I hope you will too.
"Dwell in possibility."
We got to meet Grip and Bristol in her SOUL SERIES, but we got to fall in love with them in FLOW/GRIP and if you want to check out my review, you can read it HERE.
FLOW: http://amzn.to/2m07weL
GRIP: http://amzn.to/2mJVS84
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I'm a wife, a mom, a writer, an advocate for families living with autism. That's me in a nutshell. Crack the nut, and you'll find a Southern girl gone Southern California who loves pizza and Diet Coke, and wishes she got to watch a lot more television. You can usually catch me up too late, on social media too much, or FINALLY putting a dent in my ever-growing To Be Read list!
Kennedy Ryan FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/681604768593989/