Monday, June 14, 2021

Book Review and PAPERBACK Giveaway for The Wrong Family by Tarryn Fisher


Have you ever been wrong about someone?
Juno was wrong about Winnie Crouch.

Before moving in with the Crouch family, Juno thought Winnie and her husband, Nigel, had the perfect marriage, the perfect son—the perfect life. Only now that she’s living in their beautiful house, she sees the cracks in the crumbling facade are too deep to ignore.

Still, she isn’t one to judge. After her grim diagnosis, the retired therapist simply wants a place to live out the rest of her days in peace. But that peace is shattered the day Juno overhears a chilling conversation between Winnie and Nigel…

She shouldn’t get involved.

She really shouldn’t.

But this could be her chance to make a few things right.

Because if you thought Juno didn’t have a secret of her own, then you were wrong about her, too.

From the wickedly dark mind of bestselling author Tarryn Fisher, The Wrong Family is a taut new thriller that’s riddled with twists in all the right places.


What??? I know....I know.

After so much hoopla and pomp and circumstance about this book, I was expecting a win for my second book by Tarryn Fisher. I loved The Wives and the journey she took me on. I jumped in with my gummi bears, my popcorn and a big bottle of water so I wouldn't have to move an inch while devouring my second book by her. Boy, was I disappointed. Man, this one was not good. It was rough, which sucks because I wanted so much more out of this one. 

This book didn't feel the same as The Wives in her writing style. I know they are two totally different genres/tropes, but it just didn't feel very well written and I couldn't really understand the picture she was painting for me. The writing was noisy and the jumping around was confusing at best. Some folks loved it, so don’t take my word for it. If YOU want to read it, I'd love to hear your take on it, because I'm always up for a discussion. But for ME? It was very hard to follow and enjoy.

There was a whole bunch of questions from the get-go, and the introduction was lame - because there was just not any real flow or continuity with the characters, the storyline, or the reasonings. And, I'm not opposed to believing it had anything to do with the fact that I don't often read this genre or trope, and that probably plays in a little with my lack of enjoyment, but I've always said that if a book is written well, you can still enjoy them whether the story is for you or not. An author's words will always work if they touch me; if they move me. 

But this one felt monosyllabic. Monotonous. Boring. It just didn't work for me.

It was awkward, to say the least, when she was telling the story - or while I was reading it, I don't know. It wasn't anything like I read and loved in The Wives. That book blew me away. I followed it, couldn't wait to turn the pages, and most certainly enjoyed the storyline as it weaved its way through the ups and downs of the drama for that poor woman. That Wife. It was so good. I just don't know what happened with this one...

The characters didn't feel very well fleshed out - or maybe I just didn't get any sense of understanding of who they were because of the way it came across. I didn't really feel like I connected with any character on any level that showed me I could root for them or emotionally attach myself to their plight. It just felt awkward on every level. Oh gosh, the POV was awful. Absolutely awful. It didn't do any justice to the storyline when the characters and the circumstances were confusing as well. Something has to anchor me and root me to the story. When it’s all confusion masked by mystery, it doesn’t allow for the story to grow from within, which lead to it feeling very pieced together. I realize she kept the base on the shadows because she wanted to give the illusion of mystery, but it did the storyline a disservice. To add to it, I feel like the route she took us to get to the ending was very indirect as well. I didn’t enjoy it at all. I ended up skipping to the end to read the finish so I could see if it was worth continuing to read, and well - just blah. Not impressed. I couldn't bring myself to finish it, and knowing how it ended didn't make me want to go back and discover the rest of the story. That told me everything I needed to know. 

The way she told this story didn’t work for me in the slightest. In the middle of discussing things, she kept throwing in memories and they’d pop up out of nowhere. I found myself going back and reading the paragraph again because jumping from past to present, memory or not, got to be annoying. These characters were not easily likable or followable. (Not a word, I know.)

The writing was funky, it didn’t flow at all - and the story went nowhere and very slowly at that. It just got to the point that I felt like I couldn't waste my time anymore because I was getting mad and frustrated at the way this was written and being uncovered. It is not a book I can or will recommend. So much so, that I am giving out my ARC copy. I will send my paperback to someone that actually wants to read it. 

I AM SUPER BUMMED this didn't work for me. I will read her again....I will.




I would like to write a novel that every, single person loves, but not even J.K. Rowling could do that. Instead, I try to write stories that pull on people's emotions. I believe that sadness is the most powerful emotion, and swirled with regret the two become a dominating force. I love villains. Three of my favorites are Mother Gothel, Gaston and the Evil Queen who all suffered from a pretty wicked case of vanity (like me). I like to make these personality types the center of my stories. I love rain, Coke, Starbucks and sarcasm. I hate bad adjectives and the word "smolder". If you read my book-I love you. If you hate my book-I still love you, but please don't be mean to me; I'm half badass, half cry baby.