Sunday, May 5, 2024

Book Review and Giveaway for I THOUGHT OF YOU by Jewel E Ann

I wanted to conquer the world.
She wanted to gaze at the stars.

It’s been twelve years since I last saw Scottie Rucker. A grim prognosis has upended my life, and no amount of my hard-earned money can fix it. So, after leaving a note on the nightstand, I search for my first love—I search for life.

When I find her in Austin, working at a quaint general store and living in an RV behind it, those twelve years vanish. She’s exactly how I remember her.

Scottie thinks our reunion is a small-world coincidence, and I’m not ready to tell her the truth. After we rekindle our friendship, she convinces me to work part-time at the store while she pursues her budding relationship with Koen, a welder and the grandson of a customer.

Scottie’s ability to live in the moment is exactly what I need. But how do I convince her new boyfriend that I’m not his competition? And what happens if my heart changes its mind?

"But when you let your mind step outside social boundaries, the rules lose meaning, and love feels limitless."

As usual, go in as blind as you’re comfortable going. Try to avoid any reviews, because they’re going to inevitably give away the very essence of the journey that’s needed in order to watch Price, Koen, and Scottie's world develop as it should. There’s so much to discover while reading this book, and the organic way that JEA wrote it and delivered it needs to be experienced firsthand - in real time.

I  read this.
I felt this.
I am broken...
But I am once again in love with yet another JEA book that upended my safely beating heart, stole the safety net of the sanctity of my innermost thoughts - and left me crying for days while looking at life with a whole new perspective I didn't think I was missing out on. My heart may have skipped a few beats, but not in the manner it's used to. 

It took me a minute to gather my thoughts on this one, and I’m not going to lie - it wasn’t easy, but that’s signature JEA, and exactly why I love her writing. I'm not sure I'll be able to articulate this one well because I'm still pretty raw, but just know that I couldn't love this book more. This one will take up what little space I have left on my bookshelf, because this one was a rock solid emotional jolt straight to the heart - but I will have it signed because I hope this story will never leave me. I hope I reference it in my thoughts and actions often. 

"Baby, you're going to be a fucking tornado in my life."

Scottie is her own person - and if we all had a Scottie in our life, this world would be a better place. She’s so devout in her beliefs that she made me stop and think on many different levels, and I absolutely loved that about her. Her wisdom was not necessarily other worldy, but it can easily be described as old-soul reminiscent. She had a heart of gold and she was most definitely the bright spot in the whole book for me, no matter how bleak it got. I found myself looking to her for some wisdom and insight. 

"Countless memories of our summer together have permanent space in my mind."

Price gave me so much to LOVE in life, but with a deeper perspective. Hindsight is always 20/20, yet circumstances don't always align with our thought processes and given Price's predicament, his demeanor and knowledge was a breath, a walk on cool grass. Refreshing insight, and a deep and meaningful dance with fate. I honestly and truly loved the hardest truths I learned from him and loved watching him learn with each page I turned. Hard, but loved.

"Every time he hums, I feel it more than I hear it."

I’m irrevocably in love with Koen. Undeniably, hands down - in love. He’s so confident and witty - which really, really works for me. The banter was top shelf delicious in every drop given to me. I could have soaked in him forever and lived drunk on him with never having another care in the world. Ever. He was the literal definition of perfection and a high I seek with all of my book boyfriends. He was all man, with every bit of the alpha male with a caring heart we all love to see - and he was young, so it was natural to him and it read that way from the first meeting to the last page. I freakin' loved him!!

JEA has a way of encapsulating real life, real troubles, and real love by telling a story that hits me deep in my emotions. The mental aspect of her stories always adds another element to an all around great read. This one spared no feelings…I definitely ran through the gamut of emotions on this one and it just shows me how deep she can write and how much she can bring me in. I’ll read any of her stories. Heavy on the romance, or not, she will always reel me in and show me how diverse of a writer she can be and she proves it with every book I read. With every storyline - believable or not, every single book has made me question the solid ground I walk upon and that makes for some of my favorite reads.

I did have a friend confess to me that she read the ending first because she couldn’t handle the angst (totally side-eying you, my sweet, sweet Jenn), and I knew at that point that I was in for an amazing read. I wasn't wrong, but I couldn't imagine reading the ending first because I feel like that would have taken away the deep breath I took at the end and the final tears that I smiled through. Very important smile, but one of wonderment and bewilderment.

I highlighted so much in this book. The knowledge. The thought provoking experiences. The reality. The painful, harsh reality....oh gosh, it was a brutal walk through the lives of these three and I enjoyed it so much. Sounds morbid, and I don't mean for it to because amongst the tears, I had some pretty good giggles and plenty of smiles surrounded by butterflies in my tummy. Easily one of the most emotional books I have read in a very long time. I have a slightly heavier heart after reading it, but with that it carries a broader perspective on life. I cried quite a bit while reading this because much of it hit very close to home for me on multiple levels. It was an emotionally cleansing read as well, and that's also probably why I cried as much as I did. It was a chance for me to let go and release some emotions with a little more calm than I thought. 

It's a very safe bet that I am going to whole-heartedly recommend JEA's books time and time again. I know the emotional upheaval I'm sure to get will always be *everything* I need in a book, but it's also a book worthy of discussion - every.single.time. I love that discussions with my book friends are always spirited when it comes to her books because whether we see the story through the same eye, or a completely different lens - the fact of the matter is, se's a brilliant writer and she's always been able to induce emotions on a level many authors fail to reach with me.

"If loving too much or too many people is my biggest offense, I'll die with no regrets."


AND an alternate cover. I am not usually a fan of alternate covers, but JEA has some beautiful alternatives that aren't run of the mill cartoonish ones that I actually like. This is a hardcover one...



Jewel is a free-spirited romance junkie with a quirky sense of humor.

With 10 years of flossing lectures under belt, she took early retirement from her dental hygiene career to stay home with her three awesome boys and manage the family business.

After her best friend of nearly 30 years suggested a few books from the contemporary Romance genre, Jewel was hooked. Devouring two and three books a week but still craving more, she decided to practice sustainable reading, AKA writing.

When she’s not donning her cape and saving the planet one tree a a time, she enjoys yoga with friends, good food with family, rock climbing with her kids, watching How I Met Your Mother reruns, and of course . . .heart-wrenching, tear-jerking, panty-scorching novels.




Any links on this page may be affiliate links and I may earn a commission if you purchase anything by clicking on them. You will not be charged anything extra. I use these links as a way to fund my book giveaways for every ARC Tour I do - so, thank you for your continual support.

Monday, April 15, 2024

BOOK REVIEW and GIVEAWAY for Not Made To Last by Jay McLean


Two simple words hold the truth of our love: wait and hope.

Rhys Garrett—recent high school graduate, ex-captain of the basketball team, and my brother’s rival both on and off the court.
Oh, and he’s also the guy I just hit with my truck.
To be fair, he had it coming.
Why else was he dressed in all black, in the middle of the night, if not to hide out amongst the darkness?

I wasn’t looking where I was going or what was around me. I didn’t even see the headlights. Just felt the impact. And I thought, as strange as it was, that getting hit by a car may be the best thing that could’ve happened to me.
Until I opened my eyes…
…and she told me her name.
Some might call it fate, destiny, kismet…
A collision of souls.
One night.
One chance encounter.
The problem?
One night wasn’t enough.
But the more time we spent together, the more truths came to light.
And soon, we’d discover that what we once thought was meant to be…
…is not made to last.

"The family we create means more than the family who created us."

Oh my goodness, hiiii. Remember me? *hides* I know it's been a while since I've typed up more than a few words on my computer and onto my blog, but coming back to tell you about a book I read is the sole reason I had to jump back on. I have my favorites and I still read occasionally, but actually publishing a review is few and far between right now. I have *missed* Jay McLean over the last few years she's been gone. Of all people, I know we all need a break now and then - but my gosh, it's stories like hers that bring me back to my reading happy place - and actually wanting to write a review.. The subtle reminder of why I love to read honest voices resides comfortably in her books. I enjoy her storytelling in a way that I'm not sure I can explain without you knowing her and how she articulates her thoughts - but it's so worth the journey. This was the best "welcome back" I could have hoped for.

"Breathe. One more time. Every time."

Young Adult wasn't my favorite for a long time because there just wasn't a voice out there that could articulate or tell a story for that age of characters that I didn't roll my eyes at. Jay McLean changed that genre for me, and I am ever thankful. There was a definite "inspired" ache in this book and one that I couldn't put down. I love getting pulled into a book that has my heart on a leash, and this one definitely did. The ache was more due to the circumstances that were all there, without foresight - and I couldn't get enough of it. The buildup to Rhys and Olivia figuring everything out had me anxious with anticipation - which is my favorite kind of read. I like the feel of the need to pace, to nervously anticipate how it's all going to unfold. I obviously knew there was going to be some heart-hurting moments, but that ache was a welcome emotion in this story. It's hard finding them well written in young adult books, I feel - and I'm pretty sure Jay McLean holds that niche in the market for me. She has always reeled me in and held me hostage with her words, and with Rhys and Olivia testing all their waters together, it just made that ache relatable and insightful. Basically, if she's writing it, I'm reading it. It's a foregone conclusion at this rate. So, that would beg the question: am I biased? Prejudiced? Already made my mind up? Nope. I know with every review I write, I will always say what I didn't like or did like with any author that writes it. Always.

So, yeah - the only thing that made me even remotely tip my head in this one was how the "deception" came about...but #money. And, it buttoned up suuuuper quickly. I mean, are those bad things? I supposed it's up to the reader but I am pretty confident I just didn't want a quick and easy out and I wanted to sit and settle into their world a little looooonger - but apparently books end. #Rude

BUT, the weirdest thing is, this one made me question fate...or kismet, and I have never questioned it, buuuut, I'm still smiling remembering how it made me feel. Just thinking back about how this all happened - it was supposed to be fate. It was supposed to be destined. But as I'm writing this, that helping hand that fate seems to enjoy every now and then played a blind part in this whole book and I honestly loved that dynamic. Having said that, I am not sure I wholly understood the meaning behind said helping hand until it was all said and done and I was reflecting on the story as a whole. Some things didn't line up for me as I was reading it because I was so caught up in Rhys and Olivia falling in love and finally figuring things out, but it all worked itself out in the end. I was wrapped up. Completely. And I fell hard. Super hard and rather quickly. I started it and looked down and I was at 63% and that was a tragedy in and of itself because I could have stayed there for days. I just loved how their relationship evolved and I'm pretty sure I connected with Olivia on a little deeper level as she tried to keep Rhys at arms length. Jay McLean is an excellent emotional writer and she expresses them not only in her words, but in the actions her characters have.

So, after a long break from writing reviews, I'm merely suggesting (or trying to suggest) you give this one a try and will easily recommend it - or any Jay McLean book, for that matter. Are you curious but not sure if you want to jump in? (Weird thought, right?) You can check out the first chapter HERE and see if it's something you'd like to read. I think you want to. I definitely recommend this book and hope you fall in love all over again, just like I did. So, hop right on over to Jay McLeans Post with the first chapter and give it a whirl. And then grab it, because, well...let's discuss!! 

"Because it's so much easier to hate you when the feeling is reciprocated."

Until next time,

I'm giving away a copy HERE
but by all means, feel free to comment below too


Jay McLean is an international best-selling author and full-time reader, writer of New Adult Romance, and most of all, procrastinator. When she’s not doing any of those things, she can be found running after her two little boys, playing house and binge watching Netflix.
She writes what she loves to read, which are books that can make her laugh, make her hurt and make her feel.

Jay lives in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, in a forever half-done home where music is loud and laughter is louder.




Saturday, April 8, 2023

Book Review and Giveaway Beautifully Broken Pieces by Catherine Cowles


A woman who’s lost everything.

Taylor is looking for peace and quiet away from the memories of all she’s lost. A small mountain town where no one knows her seems like the perfect escape.

A man battling the ghosts of his past.

Walker loves his life just the way it is. His town, his family, his brothers in blue. Everything simple and easy—until a chance encounter changes it all.

When Taylor’s solitude is interrupted by the rugged cop, they find that the very thing they were avoiding might be just what they both need. As their iron wills clash and passion flares…a killer lurks.

And you never know who might be caught in the crosshairs.

"Even the happy memories...they break my heart."

PERFECT start to a new series!!! I am completely smitten. Walker is the man! *insert simultaneous sigh and heart eyes here.* I have read one other book by Catherine Cowles, but I can tell you with the beginning of this series, it will be one that I will follow closely and I plan on having them all signed and on my shelf!! Cowles' writing style breathes ease and comfort. Her words flow very easily and I found myself getting caught up in all the goings-on of this little town....and now I need to visit Sutter Lake! 

Immediately, the very beginning of this story spelled out the beauty of a small town romance where someone's word actually means something. People know everyone and when a new person comes to town...and most are there to help them fit in. Catherine Cowles writes the type of small town romance I absolutely adore. 

"You can lean back against me. I've got you."

A slow and sweet perusal into the possibilities of love after loss, this book gave me a chance to slow down and fall in love. Walker and Taylor were so in tune with each other - their banter and flirting causing me all the giddy feels, but they didn't even recognize it. That was so fun to watch it blossom. I loved watching their friendship being tip-toed around until they had no other choice but to give in. It was the most smile-inducing transition, mostly because I knew they had no choice - but the love was backed by a new best friend. They could fight it all they wanted, but the truth was right in front of their eyes!! 

Soft, sweet and an adventure all wrapped up into one. I quickly and easily fell in love with ALL the characters in this sleepy town of Sutter Lake....although, sleepy is a far cry from what I would call it. There was drama lurking around the corner, and for someone that doesn't typically enjoy romantic suspense, this one had me turning the pages! I couldn't put it down if I wanted to. It was set in/based on a small town in Oregon - and I live in a small town in Oregon as well, so that sure made it easy to envision the happenings and the whereabouts of everyone and everything happening. This one sure felt like 'home' to me. 

After falling in love with Sutter Lake's residents, I can't wait to see what Beautifully Broken Life brings. I am desperate for Liam's story and can't wait to read it!! Make sure you add this entire series to your TBR. It started out amazing and I am excited to see where it goes.

"You might not need anyone, Taylor, but maybe someone out there needs you. Just think about that."





Writer of words. Drinker of Diet Cokes. Lover of all things cute and furry, especially her dog. Catherine has had her nose in a book since the time she could read and finally decided to write down some of her own stories. When she's not writing she can be found exploring her home state of Oregon, listening to true crime podcasts, or searching for her next book boyfriend.



Any links on this page may be affiliate links and I may earn a commission if you purchase anything by clicking on them. You will not be charged anything extra. I use these links as a way to fund my book giveaways - so, thank you for your continual support.

Friday, April 7, 2023

BOOK REVIEW and GIVEAWAY for The Summer We Fell by Elizabeth O'Roark

He was my boyfriend's best friend—and the bane of my existence. I wanted to hate Luke Taylor. I did hate him. I just never hated him enough.

Now, a decade later, tragedy has brought us back to the place where it all happened—my best times, and my worst.

Our lives have changed, but that pull between us is just as strong as ever.

Only this time, it's more dangerous too.

"Luke's the only person who can access all of me. He barely has to try."

I cannot begin to tell you how excited I was seeing that Elizabeth O'Roark was putting out a standalone!! I LOVED her Parallel Duet something fierce - even have it signed on my shelf, so I knew I needed to get in on this action! She was a surprise new-to-me author and I knew I needed to read her again. I missed out on touring her Devil Series, so of course I haven't slipped it into my kindle just yet - but rest assured, that will be devoured eventually. But, a standalone usually has me adjusting my schedule to fit them in from the get-go.

To be fair, when I started seeing the teasers for this one, and the direction I was "feeling" Luke was taking - I was 99% sure I was going to love him. I was wrong - because I 100% love him. He had a protective streak a mile long and it had exactly ZERO boundaries, and I loved that about him!!! He made this book for me. HE had me falling in love with him from the minute I met him.

"People talk about love like it's peaceful, but it isn't, at all. It's turbulent and anxious. It's euphoria and despair."

The pain Luke and Juliet went through! My gosh, the pain of fighting an attraction they knew wasn't a good idea to act on because of all the implications their love alone would have. The pain it would cause. A ripple effect throughout both their lives that would be magnanimous, given the circumstances they were operating under. THIS is the kind of story I live for. A love that you can't have. Can't touch. Can't feel out, because the damage it would cause felt like it would be too hard to get through. This story was also ripe with personal guilt. RIPE. There was always a reason. Always a rebuttal. Always a hinderance to finally seeing the rainbow on the other side. It was exhausting for my heart and mental self...and I loved it!

This type of love story is my crack. I need the despondence the characters are wading through - their need for something that's unattainable yet they need it to survive!! This had all the things I crave because I felt Juliet's drive to just see...just speak to, just hear his voice. It's what kept me keep turning the pages. That kind of nail-biting "would they, should they, could they" angst is my drug of choice and I willingly succumb to the need for more. Which, of course, is why I pick up these types of stories often. O'Roark definitely gifted me another book boyfriend with the strength of Luke's love and devotion.

I did struggle a bit with Juliet - but I honestly think it boils down to my strength at this age watching a girl at her age go through what she did and having the current knowledge to know that "this" wasn't the end of the world for her - even though I *knew* she had to live it to understand and appreciate it, but boy was it tough!! I wanted to tell her to take a bold step forward. I wanted to encourage her to go with her heart because her mind was already there. The need to shake her into letting loose and understanding her perceived ramifications were her own shackles to shake. I was her biggest cheerleader and her harshest critic. She was the strongest doormat I have ever read. Again - RIPE with guilt.

But honestly, my only real issue was the back and forth from past to present. Not that this type of storytelling doesn't work or have its place - because it does and it works often. It just didn't work for me in this circumstance. I was following along easily enough - it just took away from the forward progression I was feeling with each step forward, but I felt like I literally took 2 steps back by going into the past and it halted my mental forward motion. BUT, I loved their love story and I adored how hard Luke loved Juliet and stood by his word and morals. The very truest definition of a man, to me. He stood by his word no matter how elusive it seemed for Juliet to grasp...and that growth was a relief to read. The final submission was glorifying to witness and I smiled as they finally figured themselves out. Phew!!! Mental gymnastics, for sure!

MY FINAL THOUGHTS: I would honestly love to see some other books come from this story - standalones, but definitely interconnected since I don't think one would be able to tell some stories without giving away some of the tension and pain that was prevalent in this book. Elizabeth - please give me Libby's book. PLEASE. I know you will do her justice with a man worthy of her heart and soul. 

"Luke is my sun, my moon, my tide, and I'm tired of fighting his pull."
Amazon - Kindle Unlimited



Elizabeth O’Roark lives in Washington, DC with her 3 children. After many years spent writing scintillating brochures about amniocentesis and heart surgery, she is thrilled to have found a job that allows her to just make s*** up.




Any links on this page may be affiliate links and I may earn a commission if you purchase anything by clicking on them. You will not be charged anything extra. I use these links as a way to fund my book giveaways - so, thank you for your continual support.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

BOOK REVIEW and GIVEAWAY for If This Is Love by Jewel E Ann


He's mine ... don't ever forget that.

Milo lives in the barn, a cowboy through and through.
I live in a castle, but I'm not a princess.

When the only person who loves me dies, Milo's there.
As I get older, I no longer look at Milo like a big brother. I look at him like the man God made just for me.

With the first glimpse of freedom from my pathetic excuse for a father, I imagine a future with Milo. I dream of the day when we won't have to hide our feelings.

But Milo has a secret. He is not free.
The man I love is marrying the woman I hate.

"This need I have to protect her feels admirable until I realize the person I need to protect her from the most"

Since JEA is my drop everything and read kind of author, it doesn't matter what I am doing - if she announces a book, I adjust my calendar, my chores, and my family schedule (okay, probably not to that extent 😂) to make sure she is going to get the full attention her books have proven to me they deserve. I know I sound crazy, but when you find that one author...your "unicorn" if you will, you know what you need to do to give their books your completely undivided attention, right? JEA is that one for me. Having said that repeatedly over the years, you know I am always going to give you my full and honest opinion on how each book was individually. 

This book made me fall in love, courted me....broke my heart, and slowly put me back together. That is the M.O. of JEA, is it not? But, I'll tell ya - it was the in-betweens that mattered. How did I fall in love with Milo and Indie? Slowly and effortlessly. I watched them dance around the forbidden and come together. I also watched them snap like a brittle twig with no due recourse. It was hard watching them hurt. It was hard growing and realizing...the understanding more difficult than the outcome. But, as JEA does, she put me back together. I won't say it's seamless because there are some jagged cracks in there, but she gave me this life lesson and story with heaviness and a smile. She gave me a love that fought against all odds and made me hold me breath. But above all else, she gave me a book hangover and it's been a while since I've had one of those. I wanted to bask in it!!

While this one made me feel slightly uncomfortable in the beginning - and I don't say that lightly, it set the stage for a very deep conversation within the pages of this book. The fact that she said this is super taboo completely proves to me, once again, she can write anything and get me through the story with a chokehold on my heart. We all have childhood crushes, right? I had one with an 18 year old when I was 12. Completely innocent, but a crush nonetheless. Well, Milo and Indie are seriously and truly the embodiment of age gap, taboo, and everything in between - one you love, but can't quite describe completely. I had very wide eyes while I was reading this because the innocence of Indie was put. into. words. and I was left gasping a few times. Again, I knew JEA was going to put me in a state of shock by the time this was all said and done - and she did just that. 

"If his lips touch mine, the last thread will snap. I know it. He knows it. Memories have never felt as tangible, concrete and alive as they do now."

The book hangover I had after this probably wasn't fair to every other author I had to read after because it held steady over my head and heavy over my heart. I loved that she had me angry for Indie, gritting my teeth for Milo - and pissed as hell about the evil held over their heads. And the thing was, it was actually something I can see happening once it was all explained and meshed out - in true JEA fashion. I hung on every word and pored over the pages with my emotions hanging on by a thread. I was mesmerized and completely breathless in some spots, while huffing and puffing from anger in others. But it was amazing. Beyond amazing. It was my favorite kind of journey and one I cannot recommend enough...but go in with an open mind and a strength in your heart. You may not know when you'll need to draw on it. She works her magic effortlessly and I for one am here anytime she's willing to serve it up.

I wish everyone wrote with the humor and the heaviness like Jewel E Ann does. She is so unique and one of a kind, and her voice just "hits" me in all the right ways. Hands down, she's a stop-everything-and-read author for me. I will end this review with this - I read my books to take the journey from start to finish. I take in ALL the happenings and reactions and I soak in them. Marinate. Ruminate. Whatever you want to call it. But, if an author makes me think about something, whether I like the outcome or not - it's a positive, because I THOUGHT ABOUT IT. I think that's one of my favorite things JEA does for me. She makes me think and I feel every facet of her story as it plays out. 

I couldn't get enough and I couldn't put the book down. I felt like I needed to pace but couldn't take my eyes off the pages! It seriously had me wrapped up and the anxiety was real! Milo and Indie definitely have my heart and will for a very long time coming...

"You're the fucking bright, blindingly beautiful."

or head over to my Facebook post to comment as well

Jewel is a free-spirited romance junkie with a quirky sense of humor.

With 10 years of flossing lectures under belt, she took early retirement from her dental hygiene career to stay home with her three awesome boys and manage the family business.

After her best friend of nearly 30 years suggested a few books from the contemporary Romance genre, Jewel was hooked. Devouring two and three books a week but still craving more, she decided to practice sustainable reading, AKA writing.

When she’s not donning her cape and saving the planet one tree a a time, she enjoys yoga with friends, good food with family, rock climbing with her kids, watching How I Met Your Mother reruns, and of course . . .heart-wrenching, tear-jerking, panty-scorching novels.




Any links on this page may be affiliate links and I may earn a commission if you purchase anything by clicking on them. You will not be charged anything extra. I use these links as a way to fund my book giveaways for every ARC Tour I do - so, thank you for your continual support.